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Visualisation, otherwise known as Imagery is one of the most used and tried ways to stop Anxiety. Visualisation is a common method to combat Anxiety and help an individual to perform at there peak. Visualisation is simply the process of when you imagine yourself performing a task succesfully, and through this can lower anxiety levels and build your confidence. The reasoning behind it is to provide familarity and create a realstic pattern of movements which you will participate infor the task at hand. Results of research have found that individuals who used imagery intervention had better increases in sport performance and sport competition anxiety than those without it. It is easy to and cant be done at any time during the match. For example before you throw a Line Out Throw, you could picture yourself in your head (from the view of yourself, not an outsider), going through the movement exactly as you would before you do it. You could also use this prior to the game to help build self confidence, through the form of imaging yourself doing certain tasks well, or winning.