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Other ways to help lower Anxiety

There are other ways to try and lower anxiety levels. While these are not direct techniques, they are more mottos and good outlooks on the perspective of why you are playing.

Focus on That Which You Can Control
Factors such as the ability level of opposition, the selectors are watching are not in your control. A method is to just focus on what you can control.What can be controlled is your own performance, how well focused and prepared you are and the implementation of your Anxiety techniques.

Establish a Winning Feeling
Think to yourself about the last time you won or times you have won before, or when you performed really well and how good you felt. List every detail you might associate with that winning feeling. Of this, pick out the eight most important aspects of this positive feeling and write them down. You can use your winning feeling to help create an optimum competition mindset through consciously reproducing the desired elements. You can also use it to motivate you to win matches due to how good it felt. When teams are loosing you often forget what the winning feeling is like and games can sometimes not be as important, as you have somewhat lost that competitive edge.