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What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a negative emotional state which is characterized by nervousness, worry, and apprehension and associated with activation or arousal of the body. It is a sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physical symptoms (such as sweating, tension, and increased heart rate). Rugby Union and sports competition promotes psychological and bodily reactions as there is a threat towards a person ego. Reasons why Anxiety can perform are many, but can be simply as pressure to perform, people watching, fear of failure, and wanting to succeed.

Anxiety can either be State Anxiety or Trait Anxiety. State anxiety can be defined as a unpleasant emotional arousal in face of a threatening situation. It refers to the ever changing mood component, and the ever changing emotional state of subjective, conciously percevied feelings of apprehension and tension, associated with activation of the activation of the Autonomic nervous system.

Trait anxiety, on the other hand, shows the existance of stable individual differences in the tendency to respond with state anxiety in anticipation of threatening situations (e,g - A Trait).

Anxiety in Rugby Union can occur at any stage of the match. Stressfull situations occur such as when a player is running you and you have to tackle them, catching passes, catching bombs (a ball kicked high into the air), running at players, as well as skill precision tasks like Lineout Throwing, Goal Kicking, Long and Short Distance Kicking and Scrum Feeding.