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I want to apologize to anyone who might have read the former version of this website. I was allowing myself to follow greedy purposes instead of living according to my true self. Recently I became Muslim and I no longer wish to corrupt others with vanities. Spiritual health Is much greater a possesion than Bodily health/fitness or the appearance thereof. To end the difficulties i amy have caused with my tempting version of this site, please let em tell you what the diet was that i spoke of before. 1. Morning meal of a bowl of Total cereal with skim milk. 2. For lunch a glass of orange juice with a peanut butter sandwich. 3.For your nightly meal a half tin (one fillet) of Salmon or a similarly nutritive fish (swordfish is one suggestion) and a side of instant potatoe flake. The total ceral was meant to be the day's full nutritive requirement for most of the vitamines needed for good health. The orange juice was to provide sufficint Vitamin C The peanut butter and Fish were to provide sufficient protein The potatoe along with the peanutbutter were to supply sufficient carbohydrates, The basic idea behiond this diet was/is that when one's body recieves sufficient nutritive supply at below or equal calorie level as suggested by the RDA board there is a natural slackening of cravings which tends to reduce overeating and create weightloss. The way in which the sandwich potates and fish is prepared have a great deal to do with the overall success of this approach. This diest did acvtually work for me..that was no lie. I will keep the diet information up for as long or slightly longer than the tempting page was up tyhat point I will start a new website with a journal of what i am learning about Islam. I hope you will all forgive me for any harm i have done. Salam!