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Paul Morgan Lamb- Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner

Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection

Access a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has ever been attainable prior to now!

...Call 226-881-1383 Chatham-Kent, ON...

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Reconnective Healing not only includes yet expands beyond any and all known forms of energy healing.

The Reconnective Healing spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light, and information, and has brought about unparalleled worldwide reports of healings from serious afflictions including: *Cancer *AIDS-related diseases *Epilepsy *Chronic Fatique Syndrome *Multiple Sclerosis *Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis *Cerebral Palsy * many mental and emotional afflictions.

Dr. Eric Pearl

What is The Reconnection?

The Reconnection brings in `new`axiatonal lines (part of the timeless network of intelligence and parallel-dimensional circulatory system) that enables us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our evolution. The Reconnection activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of energy, light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and reintegration of `strings`.

Eric's story

As a doctor, Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them- even though he hadn`t physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS- related diseases, epilepsy, chronic fatique syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, birth disfigurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afflictions. His patients` healings have been featured in the film "The Living Matrix" and documented in six books to date, including Eric`s own international bestseller, "The Reconnection" soon to be published in 36 languages.

Informational Medicine that repairs disturbed information in the DNA is the future of health care.

As a spiritual and energy healing practitioner in the Chatham-Kent region for the past six years, I have had the privilege of practicing both traditional and nontraditional energy & information healing modalities. Each modality has proven to be effective, but the most profound healing experiences have come from this rare, but growing form of energy healing called Reconnective Healing.


Paul M. Lamb

How does energy healing work?

Depending on the modality, my understanding is that the practitioner is directing different frequencies of energy and information into your body from the ether, or God Force, or just “The Field”. This is The Field of energy that we are all a part of. It is the Source Energy that manifests and maintains all that exists.

Many practitioners are experiencing that the frequencies/intelligence of this energy field is increasing at an unprecedented rate during this time in our evolution (between the years 1987... 2012 and beyond).

How does this energy aid in your healing?

The patients’ response to this new frequency of healing can be immediate, or in stages that are appropriate for them at the time. Please understand that it is not just a physical illness these energies are assisting you with healing... it is You that is healing, and there are many levels of You.

What is so wonderful about Reconnective Healing is that less time and energy is required to facilitate the healings. No more than three sessions are recommended unless significant transformation is experienced after each session. Commonly, one session can significantly alter the course of a major illness or imbalance in the body/mind.

Reconnective Healing is proving to have such a profound effect on people's health that our practice is now completely devoted to light and informational healing.

Choosing a Healing Modality?

My experience, along with extensive scientific experimentation, has indicated that there is a distinct difference between more traditional energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Qigong, and Reconnective Healing.

During traditional energy healing sessions, energies and information flowing from a given morphic field are received by a given chakra, energy center of the human body, and then flow out of the practitioners’ field and hands into a specific energy field or location, on patients’ body or in the patients’ field. The ease with which these subtle energies flow through the practitioner's body aids in the transfer of this healing energy. Raising the vibration of the practitioner’s body creates a better connection to The Field, and assists in the flow of this energy. The practitioners' conscious healing intention combined with love for the patient, positively impacts the healing process.

Reconnective Healing Practitioners also connect with, and draw a frequency from The Field. This frequency seems to be much higher and more comprehensive as it is governed by the field of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the purist field of energy governing the body. Studies indicate that this frequency interacts and repairs the cells of the body from the DNA out. The DNA are informational receptors found in the cells of your body that may have been altered or damaged during your life experiences, running programs that may or may not be serving your highest good.

Paul Morgan Lamb

Cellular Reprogramming Practitioner; Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner; The Reconnection (axiatonal lines); Matrix Energetics Practitioner; Reiki Master

Call 226*881*1383 Chatham, ON Canada


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Please consider these additional Web Sites and Videos

The Reconnection website
Dr. Eric Pearl- Video on Youtube (5min)
Dr. Eric Pearl- Video interview (2min)
Dr. Eric Pearl- June 2010 interview (Video 43min, part 1)
Dr. Eric Pearl- June 2010 interview (Video 34min, part 2)
Dr. Eric Pearl- June 2010 interview (Video 18min, part 3)
