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Since its development in 1852, the paper bags have undergone many changes, and remains a popular material in the bags orders. Most of us have in some cases been used in the past. Many supermarkets and shops around the world today use paper bags to buy goods that people have. Also competing plastic bags are still capable. Its popularity, especially stores that offer to keep clothing and other non-food products do not usually find these bags in supermarkets, because they are not waterproof and not all species are as durable as plastic bags, but be sure to have several advantages over the latter.

Manufacturers are now developing and treated paper bags are more durable quality, thus increasing its lifetime. In some cases, it is more durable than some of the bags. They have a lot more pain and pressure. It also allows for the construction of a box buyers to put more products in the same. They are also safer to use than plastic. If a child accidentally from the plastic bag, can lead to suffocation. But paper bags are easily broken open.

Paper bags are now a kind of fashion symbol, as the big brands of clothes is to buy paper bags. Designers of these companies come in different designs of bags, which make the image, and stylish at the same time would make the bag is attractive. Reason these companies spend a lot of time and effort to produce shopping bags, so that when they are attractive, people with them, and when the fire was in bags, publishing and brand will help give a good impression.

In addition to these benefits major advantage of using paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic bags circumstances. When properly cared for, can be used over and over again. The fact that they are inexpensive, recyclable and biodegradable, it is preferable to use the material. Because plastic does not decompose, it can be harmful to the environment if they are left in the open air.

Only the paper is dissolved and mixed with the environment without any harmful gases. This saves space as well. During a fire, toxic plastic material, as opposed to paper. Paper bags can be recycled to produce new bits of paper. Many organizations around the world will want to use recycled paper to save the environment. This adds to its popularity.

Paper bags are really useful and save the environment from pollution, with the exception of the negative. How do we use bags more trees cut down worldwide. This behavior is harmful to the environment. A better solution is that the bags are made from recycled kraft paper. Keeping the focus on the environment has led many companies to create more bags of recycled newsprint.