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Countries/ Continents of Orinion-Suha

As one of the first generation Earth—Orinion-Suhu citizens, I would like to welcome you to our world. —Am`teki`an Suhumet’na

The History Of Orinion-Suha

The earliest records of the people of Orinion-Suhu come from 678 Na’Zia, or 678 years before the light (referring to the uniting of several warring states under one nation). This account is nothing more than a tale of one Lord of the warring state of Filona, and the marks of the children and livestock in this area. Further ahead in time, the warring states were aligned during the reign of Lord Lu`k’ Li’one who united the warring states within this area to form the country of Nihon`t’e`a. He then became Emperor and sent explorers to other lands. These people, while being far from primitive, did not have their own writing system and therefore adopted the Nihon`t’e`a ‘s alphabet. Several wars ensue, including the War between Is`kime and Tamesi, which lasted over 50 years, and the great famine of 76 (ruling reign) due to overfarming by the natives of Buneluo. Then there was a great time of peace, where little was written in any histories, other than the lineage of their royals.

Meeting of Two Worlds

Meanwhile in the Earth year 2011, a rather brilliant, but clumsy professor and chemist by the name of Anderson Rhodes knocked over an unknown element into a compound of C2H7S3, somehow creating a disturbance in space that formed into a stable portal to another world some 11.4 billion lightyears away, close to the Lynx galaxy, if not on the outskirts of said galaxy. A study was soon made of this world by NASA, to see if the world was inhabitable for humans. Much to their surprise, a humanoid life form was currently living in the world. While the world was a bit smaller than Earth (closer to Mercury or Moon-size), there were several continents, and landscape similar to that of your world.

The people of Orinion-Suha

Our people are a mixture of people, but the most prominent feature, (with the exception of the royal line) is a Blonde hair, light eyed people, short in stature, with almond or slanted eyes and rounder faces. You might say that we resemble small Earth children. The royal families often are unique in that they are a tall, slender race with dark hair and various shades of purple in their eyes, ranging from Lavender to Plum.

To learn more about Orinion-Suha

The Ni`oni-Su Alphabet--Language of Orinion-Suha