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President Clinton was the 42nd president serving 2 terms from 1993-2001.Bill Clinton was a democrat.Also known for many things-beings the third youngest president-The president that was able to help during the times of the cold war, by creating a strong economic recovery: overall his first term was really great and made things happen for the people. However, during the second term, the Clinton we knew was gone: Clinton was making false accusations, getting into scandals, at the state of being impeached, and having a huge issue named whitewater gate. The media and the people were now against Clinton and didn’t believe in him. Clinton is now known for the mistakes he has done, like being a liar, womanizer, and an embarrassment; even he being the first president to make money for our economy will not save him.

Inaugural Speech
Click link to hear speech.

The speech is about what Bill Clinton plans to do for his term of presidency.

Website by K. D.
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Special Interest .
Web Publishing Course
Sweetwater High School
Last Modified: 19 May 2010