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Chickens, Chickens, Chickens!


We go back a long way. A few black sex-links and some Rhode Island Reds were my first farm friends. Later on, my parents got us some Old English Game Bantams and a pair of Buff Orpingtons we named Kelloggs and Cornflakes. A few moves and a college education later, I found myself in the outskirts of Washington, DC missing my former farming life. It didn't take much convincing to persuade my roommates into getting a few chickens to keep in the back yard. However, this little taste of the country life proved too tempting and I moved back to good ol' Old Church.


My husband and I now have an 8 acre farm that just keeps getting better and better. We've got a lot of chickens at various ages right now, but I've decided on focusing my breeding efforts on 4 breeds:


Large Fowl Marans, the Wheaten Variety

Large Fowl Black Australorps

Jersey Giants, blacks and blues

Large Fowl Ameraucanas, blues (and blacks, by necessity)


I have other birds such as Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Easter Eggers, as well. They're around for their egg-laying and broody-hen skills, though.