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    One would think that this time of year would be in that comfort zone.  Where it is not too hot with the frosty tips of winter still clinging on with every ounce of strength it has left, to not too terribly cold either.  But much like life, there is no happy medium.  No in between..No in fact, there is either hot as hell with a hint of stagnate mugginess...Or there is cold as fuck.  Either way you look at it, someone is having to make sudden adjustments in apparel or what have you just to get comfortable with the way the temperatures steadily fluctuate in this day and age. And you would think with climate control they would have some way to compensate for mother nature’s mood swings.  But no...Even that fails in all aspects, giving falsities.  Because as we all know, not everyone is warm or cold blooded as the person next to them.  The indoor temperatures all seemed to be based on the internal dial of someone going through menopause. It is like a refrigerator....

    Sure at first, it feels great...But try sitting still in that relaxing air for an hour or two and count the increasing amount of goose bumps that form upon your arm.  Then continue to sit there and not feel the need to just step outside and warm up a tad.  But that is where it gets you..Once you step out, you are blasted by the brutal heat of an impending summer that is quickly approaching.  Taking back by the sheer sudden lack of oxygen, you run back inside to the awaiting cooler.  And then here we are back at the beginning of no happy medium.

    Now mind you this is normal every day life for anyone living in those kind of conditions.  More so for those that dwell in the southern states...Like Texas, Louisiana, Georgia...You name it.  But for someone whom has only known the harshness of winter’s grasp, coming into the humid state of Georgia is like taking a sudden trip to hell.  That is especially true for SCW new comer, Natalie Dubrinksy whom currently is exiting her rather late in arriving flight to Atlanta, Georgia.  

    She was raised for over ninety percent of her life in a siberian like climate.  And to come off a neutral ground that has traveled several thousands of miles through the air, to the overwhelming late spring heat wave was quite the eye opener.  Curiously she looked around to those milling about as if it was no big thing.  As if this was quite the norm while greeting their loved ones. A few passengers pushed their way past her to get out into the crowded terminal leaving her standing in their wake.  Shaking her head, she slings her carry on over her shoulder and begins to make her way towards the luggage claim area.

Natalie: (Russian)"Оно горяче как ад здесь….Это лучшее be worth оно…."
             Translation:  "It is hot as hell here....This better be worth it."

    Natalie muttered in her native tongue, as she weaved her way through the throng of nameless faces crowding her.  Her multi-colored dreadlocks held back by her wide brimmed headband drew the attention of security.  Not so much in the sense of terroristic possibilities, but of possible narcotics.  Rolling her eyes, she picks her luggage up as two uniformed guards greet her at the troth. Turning, she smiles politely as she reaches into her black leather jacket.  Quickly, they place their hands upon their tasers, and take a step back.

Guard: "Keep your hands out where we can see them."
Natalie: "I am merely retrieving my passport for you."

    Natalie replied calmly in a heavily accented voice.  The guard in which had spoken, turned to glance at his assistant before giving him a nod.  The second guard held out his hand, as Natalie pulled out her passport and handed it over.  The guard accepted the dark blue booklet, and opened it up for review.  Flipping through a couple of pages, he in turn hands it over to the first guard whom then in turn reviews it.

Guard: "It looks like everything is in order...What brings you to Altanta, Ms. Dubrinksy?


Natalie: "Business."
Guard: "What kind of business?"


  The guard questioned, as he passed her back her passport.  With a heavy sigh, she casually tucks it back into her leather jacket.  Glancing to the side, noticing not only the camera crew but the steadily growing crowd she shakes her head and looks back towards the guard.

Natalie: "Not the kind in vhat you are implying...I am here to meet my trainer for the SCW wrestling."

Guard: "Wrestling?"

Natalie: "Da."


The guard chuckled slightly, and motioned for his assistant to head out as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Guard: "Likely story, but suspose you are a wrestler for the SCW.  Do you have any documentation to prove this?"

Natalie: "Da."


Natalie replied, quickly getting irritated with the rather brash attitude in which the now laid back guard was portraying.  Reaching into her carry on, she pulled out an manila folder with the SCW address as well as her home address.  The guard was taken back by this, and carefully examined the documentation with in.  Giving a snort of disproval, the guard handed her things back and narrowed his eyes.

Guard:  "No funny business Ms. Dubrinsky.  And make sure you make your way through customs as well."

Natalie:  "Vith Pleasure."


  Natalie retorted, as she put her papers away and picked up her belongs.  She glanced towards the camera and smirked.

Natalie:  "Is this really how Americans' treat new comers to their land?"


    She inquired, as she calmly shook her head before continuing.

Natalie: "Truly it is a shame...I am invited and then treated like a criminal the moment I step foot on to soil.  I truly hope it gets better, or I am leaving back home to Russia."


   Natalie remarked coldly, as she made her way through the gathered masses towards costumes.  Thankfully, she had a better time  passing through there then simply picking up her personal effects.  Thanking the clerk as they stamped her passport, Natalie quietly puts it back into her jacket and heads towards the front lobby.

Natalie: "Это будет дотла bullshit.  Бог оно настолько damn горячими….Я надеюсь их автомобиль имеет кондиционирование воздуха."

   Translation: "This is utter bullshit.  God, it is so damn hot!  I hope their car has air conditioning."


    Natalie once again muttered in her native tongue, as she drew closer towards the front entrance.

We now see what was  Jayde Blancard walk into view  wearing  what  was a whitte t-shirt with a pair of jeans and on. A white cowboy hat and matching boots completed her look. With her was a tall dark haired man dressed in black jeans with a black silk shirt and black boots on. At the sight of Natalie he smiles. He had met Natalie during one of his trips to Russia and ad actually been there for a few months getting to know her. He found her fascinating and had grown fond of her.


Man: Just as beautiful as the day I left. I have to admit, I have missed you my dear.


Natalie: "Привидение от прошлого оно почти кажется….Как я пропускал вас."

Translation: "A ghost from the past it almost seems.  Oh how I have missed you."


    Natalie exclaimed, as she set her belongings down and went over to give the man a hug.


Natalie:  "Dakota...It has been too long."


   Hugging Natalie back before looking her over and smiling.

Dakota:  "I agree. Business was calling and I had to awnser, but I'm looking forward to reconnecting with you. I hope you plan on staying here in the US for a while."

  Natalie nodded in agreement, as she stepped back to glance towards Jayde.  Giving her a slight nod of acknowledgment, she looks back to Dekota.

Natalie:  "Da...I vill be in de county for a vhile.  I am interested in vhat the SCW has to offer."

Jayde: "Oh you'll find out soon enough. If you can survive my training you'll do well. That is if you can manage to have Dakota keep his eyes in his head and his tongue in his mouth long enough to let you train.”

   Jade now looks at the bags and then at Dakota. She looks back at the bags again and clears her throat causing Dakota to look at her.

Jayde: “Luggage doesn't carry itself and I'm sure she'd appreciate it after her long trip.”

  Smirking as he took Natalie's bags as he spoke to Jayde.

Dakota:  "I will do my best to keep my eyes in my head."

   Winking at Jayde and giving her a cocky smirk.

Dakota: "Ma'am."

    As he looks at Natalie.

Dakota: "Shall we get you going. I'm sure Jayde has plans for you."

Natalie: "Da, I am sure she does as previously address in prior conversations I have had vith her.   But I can assure you..I am very capable woman, and can take my things my self.  But I have question.....Is it normally this hot?"

   Natalie inquired, as she reached out to take them back from Dakota.

Jayde: "This isn't hot sweetheart. Just wait until the summer when eggs fry on the sidewalks and I'm having you run ten miles when it's the hotest part of theday. You can complain then. I won't listen or give a damn but you can complain."

   Dakota smirks as he insists on at least carrying one of Natalie's bags as he was a gentleman above all else.

Dakota: "Sounds painfully fun."

Natalie: "Loads...."

   Natalie muttered, as she turned to face Jayde more directly.

Natalie: "I look forward to vhatever trainging dat you give. I vill do vhat it takes to reach your goals and then do vhat I can to surpass dem."

Jayde: "That's what I'm looking for. Which is why I'm telling you how this is going to go. We get back to the house. You and loverboy there have an hour  then I want you dressed and ready to start. The faster we get started the faster you hang in the big leagues of SCW understood?"

Natalia: "Da...Understood."

Dakota: "Lover boy?"

   Dakota actually laughs a bit to himself as he winks at Natalie. Jayde was definitely interesting, but then she reminded him of his sister Destiny, current SCW roster member. Dakota runs a hand through his black hair as he speaks.

Dakota: "Well I know you will be the best at what you do Natalie, I have faith in you. Especially with Jayde teaching you."

Natalie: "She seems to have more then faith....And dis not smell like roses...."

   Natalie smirked as glanced playfully at Dakota and then back towards Jayde.

Natalie: "Besides Jayde....Vhat makes you think Dakota dis my type?  Not to mention an hours....I'd need more time den dat.  I am not vested in what you Americans call quickies.."

   Dakota smirks and shakes his head. Natalie definitely interested him, she was so unlike any other woman he had ever met. She was strong willed and had colorful personality.

Dakota: "Is that right my dear? Well I am Dakota Nichols after all and I don't do quickies. I'm more of a all night kinda guy."

   Dakota smirks as he winks at Natalie

Dakota: "Just saying"

    Natalie smirked and glanced slyly over towards him.

Natalie:  "So you think you have vhat it takes huh?  Maybe some day ve can see.  But now dis time for vork da?"

Jayde: "Bout time. All this mushy lovey dovey stuff was  making me need about a dozen beers"

   Jayde turns and walks away shaking her head as she did. She did see a lot of potential in Natalie though and that was good though that meant she was gonna work Natalie harder than she would some of the others. Jayde pauses and looks back at Dakota and Natalie.

Jayde: “Waiting on a gold plated invitation? MOVE IT.”

   Smirking as he walks.

Dakota: "Yes Ma’am."

   As he looks at Natalie and smiles.

Dakota: "I love a woman who can be forceful."

Natalie: "Then you have seen nothing yet..."

  Natalie replied candiedly, as she shrugs out of her leather jacket and begins to follow after.  The scene then fades out on the three of them exiting the airport.