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Morning Stars I

by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Copyright 6179 SC

The day before Gabriel took over as Zaphon's overseer, Michael was in a happy mood.  He'd just rediscovered his porno collection from his earthly years, and was looking over many a luscious lady.  Elenniel walked in.

'You are a pervert, Archangel Michael,' she said.

Michael felt guilty.  'I'll have them officially destroyed,' he replied.

'Good,' she said.  'Keep your loving eyes only for me.'

Michael nodded.

The porn was hidden more carefully after that.  Half an hour later he was reading through one of Daniel's website.

Reform Karaite Gentiles

About Us:

Reform Karaite Gentiles (RKG) are a religious movement established originally as its own concept, but was moved in the Advancing Noah Movement as an Assembly of Faith. On the completion of the Advancing Noah Movement it was judged it had insufficient doctrine to remain in the ANM, so was placed into the Canberra Noahides Movement which is also the Biblical Noahides or Sola Scriptura Noahides movement. It is being developed as part of the Biblical Noahides spirituality which may eventually become a religion. Essentially we represent the concept now of Gentiles – Nations, Tribes, Clans and Families, using the latin meaning of this word, and have a focus on the covenants of gentile nations, as well as developing teaching for the Noahide Gentile Nation of Magog, and for other Noahide Nations to learn from if they so choose. Membership is obtained by contacting Daniel at his email address, and members are obligated to study our material and practice our way of life, as well as ongoing study of the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1:1 – 11:9). Offerings to the fellowship are appropriate, and this is left to how much each individual or family decides to give, but the normal recommendation is a tithe of the family's net income after taxation. Levels of membership include recurring guests, associate members and full official eternal members. It would be understood that full official eternal members obligate themselves to the tithe, that associate members will make offerings as a minimum regularly, and that recurring guests throw in a few gold coin donations from time to time. Standard guests are not really considered members, and there are no obligations for offerings from such people, who may just be curious about us.

E-Mail Contact:

Phone: + 61 2 6291 4414 (Australia)

Address: 29 Merriman Crescent, MACARTHUR ACT 2904, AUSTRALIA

Sermon One – Gentiles

We are the nations. The peoples. The goyim. From one perspective, you see, Noahide is a term we could use, but we are who we are. And maybe we don't want to necessarily identify so much with Noah himself and Noahidism, but more of our own identity, and perhaps, as we are the nations, the term Gentiles in relation to the actual religion which is our faith. Certainly, gentile can be termed offensive, racist and bigoted as well. But it can also be a fair enough way to express the ideas of those not covenanted to Israel, the chosen people. We are the rest of the world – the nations. But, that said, we do have a covenant, or religious obligations. Genesis 1:1 – 11:9, the Rainbow Torah as the Advancing Noah Movement calls it, is sort of our bedrock of original spirituality for our movement. In a reform spirit, we might not know exactly how accurate the historical details presented within are, but we accept the Torah way of life in general regardless, so it suffices. Let's hope that world to come truths, should they eventuate, clear such questions up and gives us the bigger and better pictures. Yep, we're gentiles. I suppose we walk with God, and maybe we notice Israel. In Isaiah 40-50 we find Israel are a light, and a covenant nation to the gentiles. Light. We notice it. Some of us can follow their example, I guess. If we choose to. But as we are also Karaite Gentiles, it does mean one thing. We have already chosen to acknowledge the Tanakh as a book of reference in some way, and its a witness to us of a work of God through creation. And perhaps we let some of the light of that work in because of it. Reform – we move with the times in some ways. And learning and progressing throughout history is probably the way to go. But truths of spirituality which remain, which fix themselves in our hearts as good and holy and worthy, them retain. Them keep. Because they are the touchstones of eternity, and beacons of, indeed, light to guide us, teach us and walk therein all the good and long days of our lives. We were, in our history, originally formed as a spirituality in its own right. We were linked as as Assembly of Faith of the ANM for a while, but with the completion of the ANM and its doctrine in 6179 SC, and the judgement of Daniel that RKG did not have sufficient doctrine and teaching to warrant status as an AOF, we are, ironically, again a separate project of spirituality and, potentially, religion.

Sermon Two – The Noahide Gentiles, the Abrahamide Gentiles, the Israelide Gentiles and the Davidide Gentiles.

The actual latin word of Gentilis means belonging to the family or clan or tribe of. In Judaism it means non-Jew also, but for the purpose of Reform Karaite Gentiles we use the term in its latin definition. So thus we define the ideas of 'Abrahamide Gentiles' to refer to the nations from Abraham promised by God, and 'Noahide Gentiles' to describe the Nations of Noah. It would seem that this was the core of the promise, in fact, to Abraham. That he would be like Adam and Noah and would be a father of nations. It is a 'New' Covenant for Abraham, who is of the Noahide Nation of 'Peleg' through Eber and the Hebrews. Thus, in our definitions, we use the term gentiles strictly to mean its latin definition of the word, and we differentiate between the differing groups of Gentiles on the status of covenant, that being 'Noahide Gentiles' and 'Abrahamide Gentiles'. It must be noted that Israel has its own distinct covenant also as a people, as their are other Abrahamide nations (through Ishmael, Keturah's offspring and Edom), and in the division of Israel they are divided into the 12 tribes. Thus the term 'Israelide Gentiles' is also perfectly appropriate to describe the tribes of Israel. King David has his own covenant for the house of David (Psalm 89 and Zechariah), and it is obvious their are many 'Families' with distinct 'Clan' names in the House of David. They are not a 'Tribe' of Israel in their own right, but they have clans, so they are also the 'Davidide Gentiles'. Pre-Noahide, there is likely Adamide nations, so they would be the 'Adamide Gentiles'. Thus, with this now defined, Reform Karaite Gentiles is Reform Karaite Faith for all mankind, progressing on further from the ideas of Sermon One. Now, in terms of age of Covenant, Noah's covenant is the oldest, thus it has the most status, respect, and rights afforded to it. Each subsequent covenant established historically thereafter is of lesser importance, as they have not served covenantly as long as the Noahide covenant. In the Abrahamide covenant, the glory of the Rainbow could not be used again to affirm the importance of its covenant. Instead, a far lesser sign, a defilement of the flesh in fact, indicating its greatly lesser status than the Noahide covenant, the circumcision was utilized. This defilement of the flesh shows that they are not entitled to full and complete standing as members of humanity, as their bodies have been marred somewhat, and they are of a lower caste in human understanding theologically. In this sense Adolf Hitler was correct to condemn the jews to the lowest of the races of mankind. He was misguided in his assertion, though, that there is anything racially superior about the Aryan race. That was clear unbiblical discrimination, and quite wicked of him. The Noahide nations are of equal status covenantly, and should be accorded equality with each other due to this truth. The Magogite nation, which has founded the first legal Noahide Religion (The Advancing Noah Movement), has legal rights to be established as the most authoritative of the Noahide nations, as they other 70 Noahide Nations have not yet completed a recognized Noahide religion amongst mankind. As a member of the Magogite Nation, and the founder and completer of the Advancing Noah Movement, we are entitled to this status as the true Firstborn of the Adamide-Noahide nations of mankind, and the most respect. Other Noahide nations are to be considered our brethren, but have not the right to as much authority. The Abrahamide, Israelide and Davidide nations of Peleg are far greatly diminished in status amongst the nations, and are considered of lower caste, and of not great importance amongst the children of Noah and mankind.

Sermon Three – The 70 Noahide Nations works of Karaite Faith

The Noahide nation of Peleg produced the first of the official Bibles of God. However, this was done largely through the advent of the additional covenants of Abraham, Israel & David. It was not wise to choose to be new covenants, as because they are new, which was likely instigated from spiritual pride, their status is diminished as they are latter covenants. Magog has proven faithful as his religion has adhered to the first covenant of Noah. This initial religion is the found in the Rainbow Bibles and other works of the Advancing Noah Movement, which are complete. The Canberra Noahides community is developing in its first works as a spirituality. To qualify for religious status, so I have been told, a minimum of two millions works of pseudepigrapha are required, a minimum of 20 songs, and 100 sermon videos. This will be sufficient work for the authentication of the religion. God does not necessarily require written bibles, as videos are how mankind largely now operates in this year of 6179 SC. It is the intention of myself to develop Canberra Noahides into a religion in time, and we will see how that goes. If the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come advents at a future point it is our judgment that the Tanakh should be continued with in development. Genesis should be worked on with the new world to come histories of Adam through Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph and so on, till 50 more chapters are completed. This sets the same principle for the entire Tanakh – a doubling of each books chapters in the world to come. We also recommend, because of significance historically, the addition of the works 'The Gospel of Jesus' and 'The Gospel of Tarcisius', by myself, which have been judged as Kosher by myself. It is my intention to contribute a number of psalms and proverbs also to the further work of the Tanakh. At this point it becomes the responsibility of the other Noahide Nations – in the World To Come – to start work on producing their own Noahide Bibles for their Noahide Nation. It is up to them how much content is achieved, but God judges when the product is complete enough for finalisation. Such works need to be consistent with the established works of Karaite faith spiritually. The Tanakh and the works of the Advancing Noah Movement are Karaite compliant. Thus these works need to be studied by the other scholars and scribes in the other Noahide nations to complete their own Karaite Scriptures. Judgements from the other Noahide Nations in relation to the status of Abraham, Israel, David and the Pelegite kingdom as a whole would be wise to consider our own judgments on the issue, but ultimately their own status in relation to these groups is left to their own judgment. Much later in history, perhaps about 2000 years from now, the final work of the Tanakh should be considered, which will be the stimulus for the continuation of the ANM Rainbow Bibles, Pseudepigrapha and other works, and so on.

Sermon Four – God loves his Pelegite son and his Gentile Nations of Abraham, Israel & David

God spoke to me once in a Goulburn hotel in his voice of Almighty God in a waking dream. He literally asked me to build on his rock Israel, and let me know he had great and deep abiding respect and love for them, suffered through a long history with the people. So God loves his son Israel. The Tanakh teaches that God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy and compassion on whom he will have compassion. God clearly judges Israel quite strongly, as the Neviim shows time and time again, but likewise he has mercy on them and leads them in good pathways of life, and forgives them and restores them. It is our judgment that they are nations of lesser status, but we do not forget God loves them also, and that they are human beings worthy of respect and consideration. They should not really be residents of the lands of Noahide nations, as they have a covenant to serve the Lord God in the covenanted lands of Abraham and Israel, as shown in the Tanakh, and when serving in such lands they have their complete rights before God to live lives in peace, happiness and prosperity. As earliest servants of completing their religion before God, they are afforded status in such respects: they are the oldest of the completed Noahide Nations religions, and are shown credible authority due to this, and the Everlasting Kingdom of God prophesied in Daniel chapter 7 of the Tanakh shows them as rightful firstborn son of the Kingdom. But they are not the firstborn of the Noahide nations, an honour belonging to Magog. This is a competing rivalry of statuses in some ways, as they completed their religious work before other Noahide nations completed theirs, yet they were also new covenants, thus of lesser status. Thus differing respects are judged and allowed because of this. Essentially, on their own turf, they rule, and are afforded the respect for being the firstborn Kingdom of the Everlasting Kingdom that they are entitled to. A man is king of his own castle. Yet, in Magog and other Noahide nations, we deem them of quite low status. Just the way it is.

Sermon Five – Cleanliness and Dirtiness

In our own rooms, many of us humans don't mind it being unclean, clutterred and messy. It is the way we often are. And sometimes such people also like to have their rooms really clean as well, and sometimes are bothered to work hard to keep it clean and tidy. And some times its in between, and sometimes it is all over the spectrum. Personally, I think we are masters of our own rooms, and other people can go to hell on what they think about our own private spaces, because they belong to us, and we damn well will have it the way we want it. If we want it the abomination fo abominations, it is our choice. It would be wise not to piss the family off by having it smell, which is not really very fair, as its your own private space, but the stink can affect others if it smells, and they have a right for their spaces not to smell. They also have a right not to be interfered on too loud noises coming from your room, so keep that under control as well. But it is your room so have it the way you like it. On your home front lawn, on public streets, it has to be reasonably tidy and clean enough for the reputation of the town you live in, and that is fair enough civic law on the issue. When going out in public you have something of a right to have bit of dirty garb, with a few stains and stuff, but it has to be at least at the minimum tolerable level, and show some damn 'I'm sorries' and a bit of shame if someone genuinely pulls you up for not being tidy enough. The customs of whatever scene you are in is fine, and dress appropriately for the situation. Casual, smart, smart-casual, formal etc – it all depends on the situation. Remember, as a lot of people say, be yourself, but sometimes it is also wise to conform a little for the sake of getting along. You are the ultimate master and sovereign of your choices, but remember people are often going to judge you – even if you like it or not. They are the facts of life. And why shouldn't they? Jesus can winge about people judging all day long, but he is not Lord of their lives. Only suckers kowtow to the every whim of Jesus of Nazareth. Issues on cleanliness and dirtiness – these are the judgments you are responsible to make – but remember the pragmatic factual truths about the issue. Remember that. Also, when I wash myself, to get clean, I only use water. I don't use soap or shampoo on my body, or other chemical agents. When I wash down surfaces I only use rags with water, and don't like chemical cleaning agents at all. It is definitely not my scene. Water is natural, pure and good – it is natures cleaning agent, and in the Beginning it is what Adam and Eve cleansed themselves with. We are biblical Noahides as a movement, so still walk in the tradition of Adam and Eve through Enoch and Noah, so water is the primary agent of self cleansing, and I see no real point in changing from natures tradition on that issue. These cleaning products – I don't really recommend them at all, and they stink a lot as well, even the so called non-smelling ones. I'm practically allergic to fly spray, and I just don't favour all those kinds of things at all really.

Psalm One

May Yahovah guide us, if he is willing.

May Yahovah teach us, if he is our saviour.

Yet, while we may doubt,

May Yahovah show his grace and help us regardless

Thank you Yahovah for whatever kindness you show me

Thank you God for your presence and touch


'That was interesting,' Michael thought to himself.

The End