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dreams are never defeated.

When I first began to look inside of myself, I realized that my dreams may be somewhat unattainable, but they are my own. My dreams are a part of me, and I have learned not to ignore them, nor to belittle them.


dreams are never wrong

I know my dreams will give me a larger picture of the future. I am thankful for dreams. I never get upset simply because they seem far out of reach.


follow your dreams

So follow your dreams. You will go far.



Welcome to my website! Like most people, I'm still learning to perfect the art of web design (and so therefore this layout was a copy/paste from Createblog, a great site where you can find countless layouts for your website, Myspace, and several other sites.

I'm still working out what all I'm going to be posting here, so if you see blank pages or broken links, bear with me. I do know where everything is, and they will most definitely get fixed. Also, if you see something missing that you really want me to put here, don't hesitate to let me know.


Art Obsession
She's Little Miss Aes
Paranormal Midwest Blog
Paranormal Midwest::Ning Community

More Navigation

Writing Like Hell Controversy In My Garden The 7 Blog The 7::Ning Community Video Page Jewelry Collection Doll Collection Butterfly Lounge::My Personal Quest


Thanks for visiting my website! Come back soon!


Layout Made By SHANELLE
Steal and Die.