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Six things to consider when remodeling your home


Remodeling your home can be a major headache. But it doesn’t have to be. The key to a successful home remodeling project is proper planning. If you take the necessary time to consider the following 6 things before and during a project, the home remodel process will go a lot more smoothly.

1. What’s my budget?

Before you can do anything else, you need to determine what your budget is. If you know people who have done projects similar to what you want to do, you can talk to them and get a feel for what it’s going to cost. It’s always a good idea to have an extra 15% set aside for a contingency. In almost every project, things will crop up and there will be unforeseen costs. In the event everything goes according to plan, you’ll spend less that you were planning on.

2. What do I want to achieve?

In the earliest stages of a remodeling project, it’s easy to get carried away dreaming about all of the things you want to do without sparing a thought for cost. But at some point, you need to get realistic and start defining exactly what it is you want to achieve with your remodel. You can begin to visit home improvement stores and start tallying up the costs for various products that you’re going to need.

3. Am I going to stay or sell?

It’s crucial that you think about the future purpose of your home. If you’re remodeling to sell, for instance, you’re going to want to think about remodeling projects that will add value to your home and make it attractive to prospective buyers. If you’re planning on staying for a long time, then you’re not as concerned with which projects will add value but which projects will improve your quality of life in your home.

4. What style do I like?

This consideration is closely linked to the previous one. If you’re planning on staying in your home, then you want to give more weight to your personal preferences when it comes to interior design decisions. You can feel free to be bolder when it comes to selecting paint color or flooring options. On the other hand, if you’re going to sell in the near future, you’ll want to go with neutral finishes that will appeal to the widest number of people possible.

5. How important are the finishes?

Sometimes the fine details can make all the difference in a remodeling project. Think about possible finishing touches such as interior oak doors and determine how much you can afford to spend on such things.

6. Am I going to do any of the work?

Finally, you should think about what aspects of the project you can do yourself, and which things will need to be done by a contractor. If you’re a confident DIYer you may be able to stretch your remodeling project by doing a lot of the work yourself.

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