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Enlarged Pore - Shrinking them is a small matter.

Large pores on face can be a big problem. However, there are many ways to minimize or reduce the poresIt is not possible to completely get rid of pores forever because these tiny openings are a natural part of the skin. . The pores are needed for secretion of sweat which keeps the face feels cool.. These openings help oil glands keep the skin lubricated so the skin looks supple and soft. The body removes dead cells and impurities through these pores.  The enlarged pores are the main cause of concern so you need to know how to minimize pore.


Large pores trap fine particles of dead cells, dirt and makeup. It makes a conducive place for the growth of bacteria which lead to the formation of pimples, blackheads, acne, spots and other skin problems (Source). Regular cleaning helps removing such unwanted particles from the facial skin. However, you need something more to reduce the size of pores. Take a good care of your skin which is made of living and breathing cells. Regularly clean and exfoliate the facial skin to avoid clogging the pores. Do not apply more than necessary makeup and remove it when not needed.

Natural remedy to minimize your pores size.


For a natural remedy, take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with a little water in you palm. Now, apply this paste on your face in circular motion.

Wash it after half a minute and pat dry your face. You should regularly steam your skin which helps drawing out impurities out from the skin. You should not apply anything on the skin immediately after steaming the face; first let it cool down naturally. Take a steam bath to remove the dirt, dried sweat and oil from the skin’s surface. 

To prevent blockage of pores due to make-up particles, apply some ice before applying the makeup.

Other Tips


Apply a toner on the skin before applying makeup. Before going to bed, remove any makeup left-over so that your facial skin can breathe naturally at night. After trying these solutions, you can try some pore minimizer products. These products are available in the form of creams, toners, and gels. It is important to know that some of these products are not effective and may even cause side effects. You should always buy product of a well known company. If you are searching for the best products that can minimize pore, you can click at this link. Products of established companies are put through different types of test before being released in the market.


The purpose of a pore minimizer is to remove the dirt and bacteria from the skin. Additionally, special ingredients of the product help shrink in large pores. The result is achieved by lowering the sebum production, exfoliating the skin and boosting the collagen underneath the skin. These effects help tightening the skin and minimize the sizes of large pores. An effective product removes excessive oil and exfoliates the skin. It is not only reduces the size of large pores but also improves the elasticity of the skin. Always check the ingredients and read information about those ingredients to make sure your skin does not react negatively to a particular ingredient.