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SSL Web Hosting and Why Your Business May Need It


SSL web hosting is a standard form of encryption technology that allows clients and hosts to enjoy a secure connection.  SSL or secure socket layer technology ensures that all data being transferred between two parties is both intrinsic and private.  This technology is currently used by countless websites to provide consumers with trustworthy platforms.  SSL web hosting is essential for all website owners who sell items via their sites.  When ‘https://’ appears in the address bar, shoppers know that their personal and payment information will not be compromised.


How SSL Web Hosting Works


With a secure socket layer, there is an encrypted connection between the web server and the web browser.  As a result, all data that is transferred between the browser and server will be unreadable until this data is decrypted.  This ensures that the data is not intercepted and misused by others on the web, given that these individuals will not be able to access the data in its original form.  SSL protection is so widely used that many consumers will not use websites to complete their purchases unless this technology is in place.  Thus, a lack of protection can have a definite impact on overall business profitability.


How to Know If You Need SSL Protection


If you own a website that sells any merchandise or services that require customers to remit their payments online, SSL web hosting is essential for protecting the interests of these individuals and for protecting yourself from liability issues.  When payment information is compromised, this can be a public relations disaster for businesses both large and small.  Moreover, it will damage the brand and deter people from making repeat purchases in the future.


This type of protection is also important for organizations that collect private information from web users.  Whenever sensitive details are shared online, it is vital to ensure that this data is not intercepted in its original form.  Secure socket layer technology and the encryption it entails is the best way to do this.


How to Choose the Right SSL Certificate For Your Website


There are a number of SSL certificate types that site owners can choose from.  One of the major differences that exist between these is how they are secured.  Site owners have the option of getting their certificates from registrars or from their own hosting companies.  Opting to secure this important resource from a hosting company rather than through a third-party registrar can be cheaper and will ultimately make websites and overall site functionality far easier to manage.


Domain-Controlled Verification


It is also important to note that there are varying levels of security that can be obtained.  The lowest-priced certificates tend to provide only domain-controlled verification.  These do not prove to consumers that the website they are using are owned by properly verified businesses that are guaranteed to be legitimate.  This can limit the amount of comfort that people have in using a site to complete important transactions or share personal information.


Get a Dynamic Site Seal


Paying a bit more money will get site owners a far greater level of protection.  This will allow them to enjoy more trust from customers as well.  Higher end certificates, whether provided via hosting companies or registrars will come with dynamic site seals and will entail a far greater measure of verification.  It should be noted that the basic earmarks of secure sites can be easily copied by fraudulent and unethical individuals and thus, it is definitely worthwhile to invest in a certificate that is high in overall quality.