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 Easy low carb recipes

    Just as the name suggests low diet carb weight loss is a program used by those who aim at losing weight. It involves limiting the quantity of carbohydrate that you consume in your every diet to as low as below 20% caloric intake. Carbohydrates are macronutrients found in many beverages and foods. Most exist natural in plants that are food based like grains and artificially in processed foods in form of added sugar and starch.

    The natural sources include:



Some grains

Vegetables low in starch


Certain fruits like berries



    Artificial sources include:

Bread or crackers





    In place of these meals you should include these ones in your every day diet:


Average proteins such as unprocessed meat and fish, cheese, poultry, seeds, nuts, eggs and shellfish


Foods with low carbohydrates like vegetable salads

    At time, these diets are also called ketogenic weight loss diet plans because they restrict absorption of carbohydrates, causing ketosis, a condition which occurs when your body does not contain enough glucose for energy. This results to your body breaking down the stored fat resulting to ketones building up in your body. The low carb weight loss diet plan is common among individuals with obesity and the ones aiming it undertaking a weight loss program.

    How easy low carb recipes work

    The body makes use of carbohydrates as the main source of fuel. It breaks down the sugar and starch into simple sugars or glucose during the process of digestion. The simple sugar is then absorbed into the bloodstream, from where; with the help of the insulin it enters the body to energize you to carry out your activities. The excess glucose is then stored in the muscles, liver and other cells to be used later or converted to fat.

    The low carb diet help you lose weight lose weight by reversing the insulin action. The insulin would instead prevent the breakdown of fat by allowing the use of sugar to provide energy. It is believed that the low carb diet causes decrease in consumption of carbohydrates resulting to lower levels of insulin. The result of this is the bodies burning the stored fat for energy, thus helping you get rid of excess weight including preventing you from overweight related health conditions.

Research shows that people on low carb diet weigh loss for about 2 years can lose up to 9 pounds or 4.1 kilograms which is equal to the amount of weight lost with higher carbohydrate diets. An example of such a diet is Atkins diet.

An example of a typical low carb diet for weight loss 

The diet focuses on proteins like fish, eggs, poultry and meat, together with some non starchy vegetables. It excludes most grains, starchy vegetables, beans, grains, breads, pastas and sweets. A diet considered to be of low carb is one with carbohydrate a daily limit of about 50- 150 grams.

    Benefits of easy low carb recipes for weight loss

Increased energy

Reduced craving for things like sweet

Elimination of emotional eating

If you are looking for a fresh start on your diet and start losing those extra lbs go ahead and kickstart your diet with a bodybuilder diets