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Does music affects the intelligence of children?

When children learn to play music, their intelligence begin to hear and process sounds that they couldn’t hear otherwise. This will helps them to develop “neurophysiological distinction” between different sounds that can aid in learning, which can also translate into improved academic results for children. In order to fully acquire the cognitive benefit of a Music School Auckland, children have to engaged in the music and participate in the class actively. Well, this is fact that music affects many different areas of human intelligence. But there are different situations based on the types of music that affect children’s intelligence directly.


  1. Happy and unhappy music affects: if a piece of music is particularly unhappy or happy, this is not a subjective idea because theirintelligences are actually respond differently to happy and unhappy music whether they pick short or long pieces of music. In a study, after hearing a short piece of music, contributors are more likely to interpret the neutral expressions as happy or unhappy faces to match the nature of the music that they heard. And same this also happened with their other facial expressions. Our emotions are effected by music, there are two varieties of emotions that are; perceived emotions and felt emotions. Children’sintelligenceare affected by both types of emotions in different ways.
  2. Ambient sounds: it has proven that ambient sounds can improve creativeness among different age groups especially in young children. Flashy music cannot lead them to creativeness but moderate noise level is the sweet spot of creativity even more than low noise levels. It can be say that moderate noise levels increase dispensation difficulty which promotes abstract processing that leading our children to higher creativity. In higher sounds, children’ creative thinking is impaired because they are incredulous and struggle to process information effectively and efficiently.
  3. Music envisagechildren’s personalities: playing and listening music can also help the children to develop personality personas. There are five personality personas that are; openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability. Interestingly, some personas were more accurately predicted based on one child’s listening habits than other children.
  4. Cognitive and logical skills:Music training can significantly improve childrenCognitiveskills. people are generally accept that learning a musical instrument can be beneficial for children but it’s actually in more ways than they might expect. It has shown that children who have three years or more musical instruments training had performed better than those who didn’t learn a singleinstrument in aural discrimination abilities and Cognitive skills. They are also tested better on terminology and nonverbal Cognitiveand logical skills which involved them in understanding and analyzing visual information such as recognizing relationships, similarities and differences between many shapes and patterns.
  5. Traditional music:Traditional music can improve visual attention of children. It’s not just children that can be benefit from musical training. A study shown that children can improve chromatic attention while listening to traditional music. So parents should follow their instincts with respect to keeping their children engaged with different types of music.