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Industry Assignment Link



Industry Analysis Website Checklist

As of 4/15

_____ 1) Industry Site is in its own folder

_____ 2) Menu has working links for each page

_____ 3) All pages have been created (not designed)

_____ 4) Welcome Page gives the viewer a summary of the industry. It has appropriate images and gives the highlights of the Industry. Remember the Welcome/Home Page is the same as the Index.

_____ 5) Industry stats and data page is an overview of products, operations, and technology. It also includes the total number of companies within the industry and amount of revenue from the industry. You want to make this page as straight-forward and easy to follow as possible.

_____ 6) The retailer page comes from the Competitive Analysis section of your Industry Analysis. You are discussing the biggest 3-4 businesses and also mentioning Indirect and Future Competitors to the Industry. Finally you will include the Competitive Analysis Grid in your page.

_____ 7) Once you have finished you can start mapping out your remaining pages: SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, and Industry Leader.

Remember you are taking information from your Industry Analysis Paper and trying to design a Website around it. Do not copy and paste directly from your paper. Break up the information into appealing pages.











-Finish up your menu and Welcome/Home Page. Remember this page is supposed to catch the attention of the viewer. Include photos and highlights from your industry

-Then start to make your Industry Stats, Data, and Overview Page. Your goal is to take this information and make it as interesting as possible, while still getting the majority of the content across to the viewer.

Your Industry Analysis Site will have the following pages:

  1. Home/Welcome

  2. Size and Data

  3. Types of retailers or segments (groups)

  4. SWOT Analysis

  5. Porter's Five Forces

  6. Industry Leader






A26 Set default images folder

-Open dwa_2.htm from the data files

-Save the file as index.html in the TripSmart FOLDER

A 27 Add pages to a Web Site

-Right-click the tripsmart root folder in DW, click New File, type catalog.htm to replace untitled.html

-Repeat those steps to add blank pages in the same folder titled: service.htm, tours.htm, newsletter.htm, clothing.htm, and accessories.htm

A32 Select Site map options

-Click the site list arrow next to TripSmart in the Files panel, click Mange sites, click TripSmart, and then click Edit to open the Site Definition box

-Click Site Map Layout

-Make index.htm the homepage

-Click the page titles options button

-click ok, done

B6 Give title

-Give the document the following title: TripSmart-Serving All Your Travel Needs

B7 Enter keywords

-Click the Insert bar list arrow, then HTML

-Click the Head List Arrow, and then click Keywords

-Type travel, traveling, supplies, trips, vacations in the keywords text box

B8 Enter a Description

-Click the Head List Arrow on the Insert bar, then Description.

- Type TripSmart is a comprehensive travel store. We can help you plan trips, make travel arrangements, and supply you with travel gears.

-Click OK

-click the Show Code view button on the document toolbar.

-Click the Show Design view button to return to design view.

-Click view on the menu bar, and then click head content to close the head content.

B9 Set the Page Background Color

-Click modify on the menu bar, then click page properties

-Click the appearance category

-Click the background color box to open the color picker

-Click the last color in the bottom row (white)

-Click apply then click ok

B12 Enter Text

-Position the insertion point directly after “the best the world has to offer” at the end of the paragraph, press enter, and then type Trip Smart

-when you pressed enter it made a new paragraph

-Pres and Hold SHIFT press Enter, and then type 1106 Beechwood

-Add the following text below the 1106 Beechwood text, using line breaks after each line: Fayetteville, AR 72704 (555) 848-0807

B13 Format Text

-Select the entire TripSmart address and telephone number, then click the Italic Button in the property inspector to italicize the text.

-With the text still selected, click the Size list arrow, click 2

-Save your work, and then close the document.

B14 Save Graphics in the Assets Folder

-Open dwb_1.htm from your Data Files Folder, then save it as newsletter.htm in the Tripsmart folder, overwriting the existing file

-update all links, and then select the tripsmart banner

-Click the browse for file icon next to the src text box in the property inspector, navigate to the tripsmart root folder, double-click the assets folder, click tripsmart.jpg then click OK

-Click travel tidbits June 2004 to select it click the browse for file icon next to src text box in the property inspector, navigate to the chapter_b assets folder, click tidbits.jpg, then click ok

-Click the refresh button on the files panel toolbar, then click the plus sign or expander arrow next to the assets folder in the files panel (if necessary)

B15 Import Text

-Click Edit on the menu bar, click preferences, and then click the general category

-Verify that the use CSS instead of HTML tags check box is not checked then click Ok

-Click to the right of the Travel Tidbits graphic on the newsletter.htm page

-Click File on the menu bar, point to import click word document, navigate to the drive and folder where your data files are stored double click the chapter_b folder then double-click packing_essentials.doc

-click commands on the menu bar then click clean up word html

-make sure each box in the clean up word html dialog box is checked click ok then click ok again to close the clean up word html

-select the imported text, click the style list arrow, and then click none

B16 Set Text Properties

-Click the Insert bar list arrow, click common, and then place the insertion point anywhere within the words packing essentials

-Click the format list arrow in the property inspector, and then click Heading 3.

-Click the Align Center button in the property inspector to center the heading

-Select the words Packing Essentials, Click Front list arrow, the click Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif

-With the heading still selected click the text color button in the property inspector and then click a dark blue color (#000066)

- Click the left of the T in The Next Time You Are Packing, press and hold SHIFT, scroll to the end of the text, Click to place the insertion point after the end of the last sentence then release SHIFT

- Click the font list arrow in the property inspector click Arial Helvetica sans-serifs, click the size list arrow in the property inspector then click 3

-Then click anywhere on the page to deselect the text then save your work

B20 Create a Navigation bar

-Close the newsletter page, and then open index.htm

-Position the insertion point to the left of N in Newsletter then drag to select Newsletter – Services – Tours – Contact Us.

-Type Home – Catalog – Services – Tours – Newsletter

Format a Navigation Bar

-Select Home – Catalog – Services – Tours – Newsletter Click the Size List Arrow in the property inspector, then click none

-Click the Format List Arrow in the property Inspector, and then click Heading 4

-Click the Font List Arrow in the Property Inspector, click Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif (if necessary)

B21 Add Links to Web Pages       

-double-click home to select it

-click the browse for file icon next to the link text box in property inspector then navigate to the tripsmart root folder

-verify that the link is set relative to the document

-click index.htm click ok then click anywhere on the page to deselect home.

-repeat steps 1-4 to create links for catalog, services, tours, and newsletters

B22 Create an E-mail Link

-Place the insertion point after the last digit in the telephone number, then insert a line break.

-Click the Insert bar list arrow, click Common, then click the Email Link Button on the Insert bar to insert an email link

-Type Customer Service in the Text box, type in the E-mail text box, then click OK to close the Email Link dialog box.


Individual Business Website

If you have questions email me


Students name:_________________


Welcome/Home Page

Products pages

About the owner

Page of your choice (Pick a page that will contribute to your page)

Total: (65)________________

Use the following script for your index page. You can change the percentages to make it fit with your banner or menu as needed.

<frameset rows="20%,80%">
<frame src="banner.html" name="top" scrolling=no>
<frameset cols="15%,85%">
<frame src="menu.html" name="left" scrolling=no>
<frame src="welcome.html" name="right">

Use the following script for your banner page. Again you can change the background color, size, etc as needed.

<body bgcolor="yellow">
<img src="pixel.gif" width="100" height="1"><font size="7">
Name of Your Business</font>
<img src="pixel.gif" width="100" height="1">

<img src="shs.jpg" width="160" height="120" >

Use the following script for your menu page. Open a new notepad and save the notepad as menu.html. Now for these links to work on your menu page you need to create pages that are titled welcome.html and products.html

<font size="4"> <a href="welcome.html" target="right">Welcome</a>
<font size="4">
<font size="4">
<font size="4">
<font size="4"> <a href="products.html" target="right">Products</a>

Right now we just want to make sure the sites link so we will create the following pages.

Product HTML



Welcome HTML