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- Timothy Thomas - Recycler

Recycler " Recycler " stuff


Saving time, energy, effort, and resources using material that has already been mined and refined, and in some cases is directly profitable, but nonetheless just makes sense.

At home - Use 3 containers for waste:

1) Container for co-mingled recycleables i.e. any paper, any glass,
any metal, and any plastic - except plastic bags. Ensure items are
free of any bio-material to reduce bacteria which leads to rot and

2) Container for plastic bags i.e. grocery bags. Much more can be added
to this container. For example, plastic wrap such as your toilet
paper wrap, bubble wrap, mylar which comes to most consumers as
potatoe chip bags (please turn inside and wash, the slight amount
of energy used to clean it is far less than what it takes to make a
one!!), Cheese wrappers, bascilly any plastic bag or film as it is
called in the industry.

3) Actual garbage container. This is biomaterial such as chicken bones,
uneaten food, food stuck to intensely to material. If one adheres
to the 2 above items this container will only have a tiny bit of
material to be tossed out and it will decompose at a faster rate than
if emerged in all those other items.

Click here for reuse/recycling slide show.

(Pros and Cons of Recycling)