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Mike's Baseball World

"The one constant through all the years, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been
erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our
past. It reminds us of all that once was good and it could be again."

                                                             - Terence Mann, Field of Dreams

CONSOLIDATION: That's what my new site is all about. No more tedious to update pages. My entire collection is being tracked 
in an Excel spreadsheet. You can click to download it below. What does it consist of?

Cards Updated 1/23/12 Signature Collection Updated 1/23/12
Graded Cards Updated 3/1/11 Memorabilia Cards Updated 1/23/12
Complete Sets Updated 3/1/11 Broadcasts Updated 1/23/12
Miscellaneous Trade/Sell Items Updated 1/23/12 Wanted Items Updated 1/23/12

If you see something you like... e-mail me and we can try to work out a trade. Always selling as well, so make me an offer -- though I 
may not accept it. Either way - let me know what you think!  

Check out my Photobucket Listings.


DOWNLOAD my collection in .xlsx format here
DOWNLOAD my collection in .xls format here

Most recent signatures added to collection:
Most recent graded cards added to collection:
Most recent memorabilia cards added to collection:
Most recent cards scanned from collection:

You can contact me here.