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There are a few things that you will need to know about the fae as it shall be defined in this universe. The fae are an ancient race of beings that predate humanity. They are able to interbreed with most types of Otherkin.  Pureblood Fae have a special relationship with nature and the land. Each is elementally bound to a specific place.

What this means, is that when they are in their sacred grove, or near their sacred well or fountain, or whatever the place just so happens to be, the Fae's Energy Pool doubles, making them a lot more formidable opponents.

For this reason, Fae are not likely to leave home unless they have a really good reason for doing so, and when they do, they tend to travel in groups for the sake of protection. When they do not have the luxory of traveling in groups, it is not unknown for them to use their powers to make it seem like their is more than one fae present when their truly is not.

This trick, works on vampires as it is not a spoken lie, but an illusion, and it has saved the hide of many a fae by tricking the opponent into thinking their was a large group of trooping faeries passing through a region when in fact this was not the case at all.

Mortal Fae are those born to one Human and one Fae parent. Mortal fae are not Changelings. A Changeling is literally a Fae child that is substituted for a Mortal child because a particular fae is unable to nurse her child, a very common problem amongst the fae.

Shapeshifter Fae are born of Shapeshifter and Fae unions. The fae have a closer relationship with the Shapeshifters than they do with any of the other types of otherkin, and for this reason, such children enjoy lives of far less difficulty when compared to other children of mixed blood.

Shadow Fae are born to a Vampire and a Fae parent. Vampires and Fae do not typically get along very well at all. Fae are tolerated at best and downright despised at worst by the vampire community. Such children live very difficult lives and can expect acceptance only from each other. Mortal Fae are treated better than they are.

For some reason unknown, female members of the fae have a lot of difficulty carrying children to term, and nursing them properly once they have been born. Changelings are not uncommon. Most of the time, they go by undetected by mortals, and they are are placed within the cribs of mothers who's children have died anyway. Such grieving families very rarely ever reject the chance to raise a child in the place of the child they lost.

The stories of horrific little creatures ending up the cribs of other mothers are typically exchanges done by goblins and the like, who do not seem to understand why a mortal mother finding such a thing in place of their own child would be so traumatic. Many times it is done simply for a joke or a laugh amongst the less fair members of the sidhe, or faerie folk and not even out of necessity.

The sidhe are divided into two main factions, the Seelie, and the Unseelie. The difference between the two types of fae basically being that the Seelie live by a code of honor, and the Unseelie do not, and rather revel in the darkness of their natures.

No Fae is intrinsically good or evil, just as none of the races are intrinsically good or evil in this game. Good and evil are dictated by choices which form and shape the individual your character choses to become.

Banshees can see that someone is about to die or something horrible is going to happen, they dont have to screech and squeal and drive people crazy because of what they see. Their powers are theirs to do with as they see fit.

Bavanshee the losely collected clan of faery vampires, have to hunt for blood, that is a necessity, but they can chose to do so honorably, even if more often then not, they do not.

Leannan Sidhe make pacts or bargains with their victims, required by their clans practices to inspire those that they feed upon shortening their life spans or else feed off from other vampires or mortals who have offended the muses.

Sluagh Sidhe, the faery magicians, are loners and hermits who demand complete respect when being dealt with or they bring vengeance down upon the heads of those who would dare offend them, but are almost unknown to seek trouble and attack without cause or provocation.

Nymphs drown anyone who dares to violate their sacred streams. Such things may seem brutal but they are only protecting their homes and territories from invaders.

It is best to totally and completely forget about Peter Pan and Tinker Bell whenever you are dealing with Fae in this game. Fae are more likely to bite you than they are to grant you wishes.  


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