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I have been doing a little bit of research on ways to make money online.  Common sense will tell us all that the chances of getting rich off of any of this are pretty slim, but ya never know. However I am going to post some links that I find, feel free to check them out. I will try to give a little explanation on any link that I post! Happy researching <3 Also, if you like the info that I provide for you, feel free to donate using my paypal link! Or if you are just feeling super sweet, I <3 MONEY!!! LOL


<a href=""> $6.00 Welcome Survey After Free Registration!</a>

I have already made almost $20 by doing surveys on this took me about 20 minutes. Also, for anyone who uses this link and signs up for a FREE account, I make $1.25. Also with your new account, you can get your friends to join, and for each one who joins you make $1.25!