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About Me

Ok. This is it! I have started on my path as a Graphic Web Designer. I am so excited! I think I have finally found a career that I will love! It has my interests; in arts, design and the computer. I wish I had thought of this sooner!

I can't wait until all of this makes sense and I can finally design my own website from scratch in order to promote my new career.

I am hoping to add some of my projects to this site soon; maybe a little of my history...we'll see!

Got feedback? Contact Me



About This Site

A lot of thought definitely goes into trying to decide what to write and what graphics should go into your website. One of the harder things I found was trying to get this text into a readable format in order to edit it, I had streams and streams of running hard to read and also trying to find a way to transfer this data so that it comes up on the website. just a little overwhelming at first. And you definiely need to wear your glasses!