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10 Bartering Tips & Skill for Survivalist and Doomsday Preppers.

A very serious threat we face as a Country is an economic collapse. With America’s indebtedness exceeding $17 Trillion with a ‘T’, it seems that many are just waiting for the straw to break the camel’s back. It’s not a question of if, but when and that when should be of great concern for all of us.

When this occurs our United State almighty dollar will be worthless. Hyperinflation will occur and the value of the dollar will drastically drop.

 Bartering can be a life saver and strong foundation in the shifting sand of a devaluing US dollar. Many folks and businesses most likely will not accept dollars as a form of payment. Smart and wise individuals and businesses should be ready to use a bartering system. The book by Michael J. Sparks , Learn to Barter;21 Ways to Increase your Income’, ‘How to Do More with Less During Tough Times

The book is written to help prepare people to be survivalist and be a prepper of sorts.  The book is filled with tips and advice to help those prepare for a coming financial collapse. With bartering your hard earned dollars can be stretched. Maybe you invest in jars of Honey, small whiskey bottles, batteries or ammo only to barter and trade them for mechanically work or dental services. There are many disasters that can occur from a Tornado, floods, earthquake, ice storm or even more serious an EMP attack or economic collapse many will not have access to their bank accounts, having items to barter can be money in the proverbial bank.

It is often stated that many of the best items to barter are items that appeal to people’s vices such as whisky, cigars or cigarettes. When Argentina was hit hard a few years ago Food was one on the most sought after items.

Another element to consider is your own skills sets. What are your talents? Are you a good mechanic or handyman? Are you a Dentist or Attorney? Those skills can easily be bartered and traded for other tems or even for cash, but remember the almighty US dollar may become devalued so you may need to receive many more than before.


Bartering Essentials :

1. Access to clean Water, do you have a well on your property?

2. Ability to start Fires; Do you have fuel, lighters or matches?

4. Producing Bio fuel; If you know how to produce bio fuel and you may be able to sell off the excess.

5. Guns and Ammo; Protecting your family will be a #1 priority for everyone.

6. Food; Food will always be in demand. MREs  and other emergency preparedness and survival foods will be in great need.

7. Medical services will always be in need; in a crisis they are often overloaded. You have to be careful with this one, as there are some legal liability issues associated with it. However, anyone who knows basic wound treatment and first aid can do that, even if they aren’t certified. If people have a problem getting to medical help, the ability to take care of a wound may save someone’s life. That’s worth a lot.

8. Psychology/Counseling – There is no doubt that people will have trouble dealing with the problems that they are facing and need help adjusting to them. Being able to council those people and help them come to grips with post-crisis life will be valuable.

9. Automotive Mechanic and Small Business repair-Many wont have much cash and the cash they do have won’t be worth as much. There will be a demand for mechanical services and small engine repair. Working on a chainsaw or lawn mower will be in demand.

10. Construction services and Home repair; Many disasters cause damage to homes, as those homes are necessary to help people survive, being able to make repairs can be very profitable.

It was the great Winston Churchill who stated “He who fails to plan is planning to fail", we should all be prepared for a natural disaster and have an ample supply of food, fuel, batteries, ammo etc. to help sustain our families in times of trouble.

Learn more on "How To Barter"