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Positive effects of video games on kids

Most parents are skeptical about the effects of video games on children. Research has found video games responsible for an increase in childhood obesity. Video games are also popularly believed to increase anxiety, stress and trigger violent behavior.  But playing video games can also make a kid sharper and smarter. For instance, if he plays video games like Sudoku or puzzle-games, he is actually exercising his brain. 

Many studies have shown that sitting in front of a computer or a TV screen can be unhealthy, but when done in moderation, playing video games can develop a kid’s critical thinking skills. Action games, for example, make the players take fast decisions. Studies have shown that kids can develop quick problem solving skills through video games, which is a skill that will reap benefits forever. Also, their attention span improves, as video games involve paying attention to a continuous series of events.

More often than not, video games are held responsible for poor social skills in kids. However, many video games are actually very social. Since, many allow players from all over the world to come together and solve their problems collectively. Also, there are many online communities and forums where players share information, ideas and tips on various aspects of the game. This can improve real world networking skills of a child.

Health researchers at Deakin University have found that preschoolers involved in playing interactive video games like Wii, have better motor skills than those who don’t play those games. They also found that kids who played such games were better at skills such as kicking, throwing or catching a ball.

Video games are fun and can also act as an emotional outlet for many kids, especially for those who’re not into aggressive forms of outdoor sports. However, it is important to remember that video games should not cut into school work, sleep or other activities by visiting