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My Hobby

Video Games

Hi, my name is Michael, and my hobby is Video Games. I started playing them from a young age, my first one that I remember being an Original Nintendo. I didn't have many games for that, but the few games I did have were ones like Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros., and Tecmo Bowl. That's all my family saw me play when I was younger, since I wasn't starting school then. My mom said:

All we would hear from his room is the bouncing that Mario made while jumping, the crash from Duck Hunt and the clacking of the gun controller, and the 8 bit whistle noises from Tecmo Bowl.

Michael's Mom

Top three reasons why I like Video Games...

  1. Entertaining
  2. Many different kinds
  3. Story and/or Music
This is a school project for Mr. Weissman at Cumberland County College.