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Nails affected by fungitypically become darker in color, look unsightly, and sometimes even smell bad. The changes seen in the affected nail's quality and appearance can be embarrassing. Generally, the infection can be present for years without pain, which is why many cases are dismissed.

It is hard to fully avoid contact with microscopic organisms such as fungi. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of getting nail fungus infection.

Observe nail hygiene - Keep your nails short, dry, and clean. Nails ought to be clipped straight across and its thickened areas need to be filed down. Try not to trim or pick the skin around your nails as this will give germs a point of entry to your skin and nails. After taking a bath, your feet and hands should be totally dried, particularly in between your toes and fingers.

Wear proper socks - The ideal socks to put on are those that do not trapmoisture. You should change them after every use, particularly if your feet have a tendency to sweat excessively. To avoid moisture on your feet, try to take your shoes off at regular intervals throughout the day. You can also alternate between closed and open-toe shoes to give your feet time to breathe.

If in spite of your best efforts, you still got nail fungus infection, don’t worry. Zetaclear is a pain-free and straightforward way to cure those unsightly nails. Click there to read Zetaclear.

Get antifungal products - These products are available in spray or powder form that you can use on your feet and the insides of your shoes. These aren’t expensive and are a good way to prevent nail fungus or avoid recurrent infections.

Put on rubber gloves and avoid walking barefoot - One aspect that can increase your risk of suffering from nail infection is prolonged and frequent exposure to water. Therefore, in order to avoid nail fungal infection, make sure to wear rubber gloves. Also, whenever you are in public pools, showers, or locker rooms, you need to put on appropriate footwear.

Bring your personal nail care equipment to the salon - The infection can be passed on from one individual to another. If you visit a salon for a manicure or pedicure, it is best if you bring your own if you're not confident that the establishment sterilizes its tools after each procedure. If you want to know more about how to avoid nail fungal infections, please visit here.

Avoid using artificial nails - Some females make the mistake of hiding their nail infection under a nail polish or artificial nail. Sadly, these will only exacerbate the infection because these trap moisture where fungi will thrive in.