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Now I will make a link. Page 2
This is a table of contents. this is a link to paragraph one
This is the colored paragraph
Now i will do a link to an email.
Send me an email!

Ok here is what ive learned so far:

Is used for paragraphs.

Emphasis text.




This is small headings. Sidenote: to make it small or strong, i must make the emphasis first

This is small text.
Here is a new line. It is also small.
Now I am going to make the text Emphesised and this text is Even More emphasised.
i just wrote a new line. Here is the end of the paragraph.

Now i am going to write a horizantle line.

This is an example of a bullet list:

Now a numbered list:

  1. one
  2. two

now I will add an image
