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The Lips of Wisdom are Closed except to the Ears of Understanding



The Magical Golden Dawn (M.·.G.·.D.·.) is an initiatic order descended from the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn established in 1888.  The Order is a non-denominational spiritual order and aspirants are encouraged to use their own spiritual path as part of their rituals and meditations. 

The Magical Order teaches candidates how to contact and work with both their Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides through a series of one Candidate Degree and four "Elemental Grades.  The first initiation is an a Candidate and it is called the 0=0 Grade.

There is no charge for initiation into the 0=0 Grade as a Candidate.  After completing this initiation, Candidates are invited to join M.·.G.·.D.·.  for a one-time fee of US $35.00 for lifetime membership.  Membership includes the teaching materials and initiations into the Four Elemental Grades.  The Order confers initiations for the Four Elemental Degrees of 1=10, 2=9, 3=8, and 4=7.  Members who attain the rank of 2= 9 will be taught and empowered to start and run local study groups.  Members who attain the rank of 4 = 7 will be taught how to start and maintain a local Temple and will be granted a Charter to do so. 

The four Elemental Grades contain the same teachings as the Esoteric, Hermetic and Holy Orders of the Golden Dawn with these exceptions:

  1. The names of the MGD grades and officers have been modernized into common English

  2. MGD members may use the religious pantheon of their choice rather than be confined to Egyptian, Greek, Roman or Christian

  3. MGD members may call the Divine by any name they choose

  4. MGD members are given the freedom to work with their Guardian Angel, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters

  5. The MGD teaching materials have been updated so they are more easily understood by aspiring candidates

  6. The MGD offers free instruction leading to 0 = 0 initiation

  7. The MGD offers free initiation into 0=0



The Magical Golden Dawn is open to all adults eighteen years of age or older regardless of education, religion, creed, color, race, sexual orientation, sex, health or physical disability.  The Order does not "blackball" any person desiring to improve him or herself through the rituals of magic.  The Order does not require subservience to any "Master" other than the candidate's own Higher Self and the Divine.  The Order does require you to take an oath of secrecy regarding all secret matters communicated to you as such.  All other things are not secret and may be shared with anybody.





Please contact MagicalGD @ with any questions or comments.
Copyright © 1994, 2008 The Magical Golden Dawn, all rights reserved