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V1HPCA97ZFS6CAT1FJ40CA8YTSYHCA73M9JVCAP7L240CABP7EIRCAL7FV6NCA2KQDDGCAU1ADM9CAGQMG76CAODUINMCAJ6DTN0CAPRU4ENCAIGNA2ICAG6U37HCADWI4BICAPK33RZCANMX0F0CAR6FZVA.jpgHi, my name is Melissa Montgomery and I am currently a student at my local community college.  I hope to become a dental hygienist and work for either an orthodontist or a pediatric dentist.

I like cats, photography, music, and designing individual rooms for homes.  In relation to music, I enjoy going to the website,  where there are the latest album reviews on my favorite artists, as well as podcasts and music videos.  In my spare time (what spare time??), I enjoy reading mystery/thriller books by Ted Dekker or Frank Peretti, and researching different apartments that I may want to live in.  A website I find very helpful in this area, and you may too, is   Thank you!