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After Megaman Trigger  went to Elysium and stopped the Carbon Reinitialization Program leaving Himself on the Moon with no way of returning to Terra  Roll took it upon herself to design a rocket capable of reaching  Elysium, upon researching in the ruins with Barrett they uncovered an early Design of the Master which seemed to be a device that draws in willing Adventures across space and time

Roll decided she would need some help if  she was to rescue MegaMan from Elysium, she dedicated many weeks to perfecting the device in hopes that whoever arrives can help her rescue her friend. She turned on the device and a portal appeared.

Shortly after turning it on Dark figures flew by her and each stole a piece of the rocket she was building to save MegaMan in fear that she unleashed more Reaver Bots  she went to turn off the device, as flipped the switch a few more figures walked through these people seem different than the last to pass through.