Meditation does not belong to any religion, but whenever we spoke about meditation, we think of Buddhism, or Hinduism, zen, I believe meditation is like love does not belong to any religion, or country. Also, if we put Meditation as a technology and keep it out of the realm of religion we would not mind sharing it with other people or countries and tell them my meditation is better than your meditation.

I have learnt through lots of trial and error method, experiment continuously on myself, through lots of failures, and few successes currently coming, I have found a come ground in all the techniques, idea is so find that common ground in your life, the common ground I am referring to the state of your being, where things happen to you in real time,  so the process involves not only, taking you to that state, remind you about it that's what we working on it, now time to get set on it observe it deeply, so that whenever, you require it,  it can be accessed by tuning yourself with universe,  it is that simple. Sometimes having a person who has glimpses of it can help you just to point it out. So there is 

It is movement to combine spirituality with Technology, freeing it from the shackles of religion, so that people can accept it without going out of their way. It is vision where people are just using it to learn and not taking it personal like we take our religion we grew up in. It could be more like using your choice of phone technology, or computer, it is also easier to share a technology than point of views we have.