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Issues in Media Studies

Assignment #3

Submitted By: Tim Damon

The purpose of this assignment is to share five alternative media web links that I visit. Upon listing each source, I will share with you why I visit this site and what alternative news it provides for its viewers. I look forward to your comments. Enjoy the links and happy surfing!

Discussion Questions:

1. Are these alternative news topics/articles/stories on the sites you’ve chosen covered in mainstream news? Why or why not?

I would say that some of these topics are on the news and some are not. Topics such as yoga and wellness for example would be covered in mainstream news. I feel that these topics are covered because these interests seem to be a growing trend in today’s society. Topics that may be controversial would not be covered in mass media because they contradict the messages and ideas that the media is trying to sell to the masses. The spoofs on for example: These ads that were created by the culture jammers are mocking traditional advertising. Many corporate owned media channels make the bulk of their revenue through advertising space. To put an ad in the media that conflicts with the sale of a product would not be a “wise business decision”.

2. Describe how the topics on the sites you’ve chosen are discussed/covered differently in the mainstream news.

If larger media corporations cover information similar to what is expressed through these websites, often times there is an emphasis on glam. There is a push to sell media to the public and in order to sell, emotions must be pulled and individuals need to feel motivated by the material. Sex as an example is used to sell health magazines. Images of beautifully sculpted bodies promises readers that they too can obtain such a body if they subscribe and learn some age old secrets. What is different about alternative media is that there is a sense of realness to the information. Because many of these outlets are not relying on ad revenue, there is no reason to conceal the truth or paint a pretty picture.

3. One issue we must deal with in the 21st century is too much information. How might too much information make it harder for citizens to become publicly engaged?

The problem with too much information is that we begin to rely on it after a while. Why should citizens feel the need to be engaged when they can vicariously live through someone else`s facts and opinions. Having a certain amount of information is good because it adds to the individuals understanding of what may be occurring. However, too much information and we become lazy. It seems easier to be a passive bystander rather than engage and learn through our own experiences.

4. How can so much information and media saturation make it hard to act when a crisis occurs?

Since we are constantly inundated with information, it is natural to become numb to this stimuli after a period of time. Nowadays every form of media and advertising seems to be conveyed in a way that expresses urgency. Everything is urgent and wants the viewer to act now. When an actual crisis occurs we are already at the point of mental exhaustion and our perception of what is urgent has been distorted. It seems easier to act on the immediate urgencies that directly affect us at that very moment rather than worrying about seemingly indirect repercussions of a crisis.

5. Is more information always better?

I would disagree with this statement. For one thing, to say it is always better would say that regardless of the quality or type of information given, what matters is that there is plenty of it. If the information is not provided in a clear and concise manner then the audience can become confused and potentially misinterpret the heart of the message. When sharing information, it is essential that the point (heart) is made clear so that they audience understands the primary thought behind the information. Additional information should be given to support the central theme and to reinforce what the author is sharing.