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Introduction Raw Material Process Description Uses and Applications Bibliography

Developed from three decades ago but gaining new currency due to rapid advances in the field of biotechnology, monoclonal antibodies has the factor of what many medical authorities view as some of the most promising—if persistently elusive—pathways for the treatment of cancer and other deadly diseases.

Put most simply, monoclonal antibodies (MAb) are antibodies that are identical, each derived from a singular type of immune cell and each an exact duplicate of a single parent cell. In science, it means that the extraordinarily specific nature of antibodies becomes a tool with wide and potentially revolutionary applications. In essence, they can be deployed to find a single targeted substance, such as an antigen found only on a cancer cell, and make it possible to locate the exact cell destroy it. In addition to cancer therapies, MAb is used in diagnostic tests for everything from pregnancy, to AIDS, to drug screening. Further, these antibodies can be used to lessen the problem of organ rejection in transplant patients and to treat viral diseases that are traditionally considered “untreatable.”

MAb technology allow us to produce a large quantity of pure antibodies obtaining cells that produce antibodies naturally, in effect having a factory to upscale the products.


*Figure 2.

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