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Why your children need to learn mathematics?

Mastering in math is absolutely essential for future opportunities in schools and career development for young children. Your children need to reach a certain level of competency in mathematics to take many advanced school courses, to be admitted to college and to have a wide variety of career opportunities. There are some ways that will be helpful to you to maximize your child’s mathematics skills.


  • First, you need to make sure that your children understand mathematical concepts clearly. It they are not able to understand it, math becomes a meaningless mental exercise for them. In math, your child manipulate objects to figure out basic concepts. Furthermore, they could add one, two or more blocks to a pile of blocks and also they are able to tell that how many blocks are there in a pile.
  • Second, you should help them in mastering the basic fact like your children can give an answer in less than three seconds. These type of drills are required for children to give quick responses. You can also use flash cards to help your children to learn basic facts. When your child is in problem and don’t have answer to given statement then you should arrange lay out objects for them to solve the problem.
  • Third, you should teach your children to write numbers neatly as 25% errors in solving mathematical problemscan be traced back to sloppy numbers writing. So you need to improve your children’s number writing skills by having trace over numbers that you have written and also suggest them the use of graph paper to keep the numbers in problems neatly aligned. You should provide immediately help when they need because mathematics is a subject which everything build upon what has been previously learned. As parents, your responsibility is to provide complete help to your child in mathematics, if their teachers are unable to do so.
  • Forth, you should encourage your children to do more than assigned problems because considerable practice is necessary to make them perfect in mathematics. For example, if their teachers are assigned only odd problems in homework then you need to having them even problems as well that will strengthen their skills. The more time your children spend in participating mathematical skills, the more they will develop confidence in their skills.
  • Fifth, you should teach your children to read a word of a problem several times. Also draw a diagram or picture of these figures to describe it. This will help them to explain how to learn and how to solve a problem. One of the major way to solve problem is by using mental mathematics and children should use this method frequently instead of using calculator or pen and paper. Your children will never get a real feeling for math without an understanding of its vocabulary.
  • Last but not least, make the learning lab mathematics a part of your children’s daily life and definitely your children will realize that how important mathematics is in so many real life situation.