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Ever since I was out of my childhood, Which i had missed the joy of the games we play on the park. Those are the gone days i always thought won’t return. But, thanks to the the world of the world with computers, the video games have occupied our interest. Especially the Mass Effect series had taken us into a new world. There is a much more promise with the release of Mass Effect 3 Free Download.

After the release of the Mass Effect 2 in the year 2010, it soon became the game of the year with no real competitors. The Electronic Martial arts disciplines, publisher of the Mass Effect game series, wanted to use the popularity and hence decided to introduce Mass Effect 3 and make it as a trilogy. They took a year in developing the game play and work on the development of much more realistic graphics for the game.

As we all know, the Mass Effect 3 is also of action-role playing game genre. The player would be a character, namely Commander Shepard, and he takes a lead role. Mass Effect 3 is asked have third-person perspective, to give a more commercial basis. It is said that the Commander Shepard role would end in the Mass Effect 3, and thus it increases more eagerness for the people.

The Mass Effect 3 Free Download  storyline has everything to offer like action, combat, friendship, love and romance. It would give us a complete contact with the battle field than the previous two Mass Effect games. The players who have already stored the data from the previous Mass Effect games could add those into Mass Effect 3, and it assures to have a big impact on the storyline.

Mass Effect 3 Free Download would also feature Kinect support, which is a recent development in motion sensing input device. Hence the player would get a whole new experience action. Moreover the Mass Effect 3 would have a multiplayer component which would enable to access four players at a single game.

All those multimedia effects like graphics, weapon up gradation and visual effect makes it look a lot more like a motion movie than simply a video game. It would definitely attract the new players, who did not have experienced the prior Mass Effect games.

As Imagine Games Network (IGN) has appropriately nominated Mass Effect 3 for the best Role-Playing game and most Anticipated Game, it promises to satisfy the entire anticipators a life time gaming experience.