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Welcome Cat Lovers!


The Habi-Cat. img
A habitat reconstruction project for adopted and rescued wild felines.

This project is part of the Christopher Columbus Awards project. Our team of 4 middle-school girls learned that a local household has adopted African Servals, a Montana Blue Bobcat, and a Canadian Lynx. They intend to build a new habitat for the cats this spring and we intend to help them make it happen! The Team designed the Habi-Cat and made a model, and studied where webcams might work the best. We hope to get webcams set up in the next year or less (by donation) and have live feed to the website! Also check out the Christopher Columbus Awards!

Watch for more pages to come!

Goals of this site:

Here are some of our favorite Web Sites related to wild felines and a link to the C C Awards for more info:

Central WA Wild Feline Center
Serval Conservation Organization
Christopher Columbus Awards Program
