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Easy way to make money with commission junction CJ affiliates advertising


What can provide to any CJ affiliate marketer? It can offer alternative to all said above. It's a PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising network that can cut your costs down in more than one way. Unlike with search engines you are allowed direct affiliate linking which takes out the need for owning a website reducing initial costs of online business for any new affiliate marketer. It's not based on keywords which allows for really cheap clicks especially compared to the price with search engines. affiliates marketing money making On top of all this, traffic you're paying for is selective, so instead of having people who clicked on your ads looking for some sort of information, you'll be getting those interested in purchasing the products you're promoting.

Creating advertising campaigns is easy with BreezeAds, you'll need to create a banner for publisher websites to display. This is done by adding a picture (usually one that comes from CJ with the product) creating some text for ad and then adding affiliate link. After selecting a category for your product you're all set to start your first advertising campaign. Only part of ads creation process that need a bit more attention is text you're adding to it, since it has to contextually match to the content of publisher’s website. You don't have to produce miracles when adding text, you just shouldn't stray away from overweight related sentences if you're promoting weight loss product – once again content of your ad will be analyzed to match that of publisher website.

If you are working as or thinking about starting as a CJ affiliate marketer you should consider all advertising options that are available to you. If you choose the “usual” search engine (Google, Yahoo etc.) advertising, you may run into more than just one problem since by doing this you could be into a very cost ineffective marketing. Search engines function on keywords, which can be expensive if there is a huge competition, they also do not allow for direct affiliate linking which means you'll have to provide a page where to land all the traffic you are paying for (you'll need your own website) and they can offer poor choice when it comes to filtering out your targeted audience. In short, advertising this way can be expensive, leaving you with no options to convert your visitors into buyers.

Commission Junction (CJ) offers great way to make money by promoting lots of different products and services. It's really easy way to earn if you can generate enough traffic and convert it into sales through any of your affiliate links. When thinking about sales, one thing that always comes to mind is advertising and getting more traffic since it's the only way to increase number of sales and earn more. Many affiliate marketers will advise you to get as much free traffic anyway you can, but the main source still remains paid one – through advertising. BreezeAds could be your easy way to getting cheap traffic.

All this is possible thanks to the source of traffic commission junction CJ affiliates you're buying. It doesn't come from search engine but from other websites known as publishers. Publisher websites are getting their traffic from people using search engines, social media sites, forums, etc., meaning they are looking for information related to the publisher’s content. BreezeAds allows you to put your banner here and advertise trying to reach out to those people and pay for their clicks. This way you'll be avoiding paying for clicks of those who are just surfing and typing in a keyword, since they have done it and landed on publisher website, you just need to be at “the right place in the right time” and sell the product. This is exactly what BreezeAds allows you to achieve by advertising with them.

This is all there is to advertising with, it's great source of paid traffic and can be your easy way of earning with CJ affiliate program.