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With the advent of computers and the Internet, there are more and more websites on the web today. Many websites may be personal while others are business oriented. Nevertheless, a successful website is driven by its design and contents. Birmingham is one of the vibrant cities embracing technology to its maximum potential. Hence, one can note the plethora of website design Birmingham professionals in town.

Business sites

Business websites are playing a crucial role in impacting web visitors for an online order today. This would only happen if the website is well designed and attractive. It is a proven fact that more visitors to any website would enjoy a higher conversion rate; hence, business websites strive to be as appealing as possible to web visitors in terms of design and content.

Business sites function to display the myriad of products and services offered by the company. Web visitors can choose to browse on any offered product or service in detail at leisure. They can also visit the retail stores for a hands-on view with the opportunity to make further enquiries with the marketers or customer representatives.

A business website design should not be too cluttered to be distracting. Too many flashing or blinking icons as well as animated pictures do not augur well with web visitors seeking information on product or services. Web visitors become distracted or annoyed with the excessive animation to progress on to the real reason for visiting the site.


A business website should always look professional with elegance. The business image must always be maintained with the right layout and color combination as well as fonts and pictures to interest the customers to dwell further on the site.

Too many animations and pictures would cause the website to load slowly which busy web visitors are not keen to spend time waiting for the upload.

Too many pop up windows can be distracting with many undesirable advertisements which can annoy web readers. Pop up windows tend to block part of the webpage which irritate web readers when they are engrossed with the page information.


Creating the best website requires understanding the type of web readers who would visit the site and make a sales transaction that would benefit the business. The site must have easy navigations on every page to allow users a quick manipulation to find what is desired.

Businesses in Birmingham can check out existing websites that are successful to reap an idea or two on their own site for a better outcome.