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how to make him miss you and want you back : Unfortunately, in reality just having him miss you isn’t enough. If you really want to get him back and keep him for good, it takes more than him feeling sad that you’re not together anymore. ow, I don’t want you to take what I am saying the wrong way. You certainly must make him miss you if you ever want to get him to try to win you back, but it takes more than that to get him back and keep him for good.

Think of it like a formula. In order to get the result you want, you have to do the entire formula not just parts. If you only tried to make him miss you but didn’t do anything else, you wouldn’t end up getting back together with him.

I’ve always been extremely skeptical of anything that isn’t backed by scientific evidence and proof. As a dating and relationship coach, I help a lot of women get their ex back and constantly read all the psychological and scientific studies backing up what works to get your ex back. I don’t like to leave things up to chance.

Limit social media posts. If you're someone who is constantly updating social media with your activities, try limiting how much you post. Social media posts are an easy way for people to stay connected and never feel like they’re missing you. When you post less, your guy will start to miss learning about what’s going on in your life.

Limit communication with your guy on social media as well. If you use social media to talk to him when you aren’t together, stop this form of communication for a while. He’ll be wanting to hear from you and will hopefully reach out when he starts missing you.

make him miss you

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Isn’t that how it goes? Okay, maybe not, but it’s still a great strategy for long-distance lovers.

Use SnapChat or Skype or even your phone’s video chat function to keep the spark alive even when you’re thousands of miles apart. That’s not the way I do things. The only things I recommend are the proven, effective strategies that not only get your ex back but let you keep him for good.

I wouldn’t feel right giving you information without knowing for a fact that it’s been scientifically proven and is backed by a load of evidence. I never give advice based on theories without feeling confident that it’ll work for you. That is why I am so intrigued by all the scientific literature related to reconciliation with an ex.