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Migraines and Massage

18 years prior I went to the specialist. She said " We don't cure individuals here you know'. She said this to me as though I was an innocent youngster. 'Every one of those individuals in the reception room, will be given antibiotics and pain killers. It's what we do!' The astounding thing wasn't that, this was the situation. The astounding thing was, that my GP had told me straight. I took a gander at her and shrugged. 'I know. Much obliged'

Presently, let me illuminate something, before I continue. I have a great deal of regard for my Doctor. When I had knee damage. She was my first point of call. She completed my MRI checks as quickly as time permitted. Also, got me the highly regarded specialists in the field, to work on me. Indeed, even consultant requested that I advise her, that he was extremely awed with how proficiently she managed my case. I have completely recuperated. I play football, and love to go running. A torn knee tendon is not a little thing.

18 years back, the issue I had was Migraines. I had been experiencing these since the age of 7. Despite everything, I was overpowered by this clamor of agony. I would act unusually. I would lie down over the side of the street. I would keep running from the light. I would pursue a frosty breeze. It makes me dismal to think how terrified my mum was to see her son in such trouble.

Any how, after a long stretch I was determined to cease being a sufferer of Migraines. In them days, they weren't common. Today the specialist would let you know on the principal visit. Notwithstanding, around then, I had blood tests, eye tests, and many visits to the hospital. Over a time of months. I was informed that I was adversely affected by dairy, that I can't eat chocolate. I also began to wear glasses in secondary school, since I was told the reason was that one of my eyes had weaker sight than the other. Which thus was putting strain on my brain. After some time I managed this issue as well as can be expected. My example would be that over two or three months consistently, I would endure. I would call these "Headache Season". I learnt that the "reasons" for my Migraines, weren't reasons in any way. They were triggers.

Anyway, quick forward to my 20's. It was then that I gave the visit to the Doctor, that I mentioned in the beginning. I was experiencing the most exceedingly terrible episode of headaches ever. For 3 months, I was getting 3 headaches a day, and headaches keeping me up throughout the night. I was terrified, tired, and at danger of losing my occupation. My GP wasn't terrified. She had gone over this issue some time recently. 'You are experiencing a Cluster of Migraines.' She took a gander at me knowing I would reject what she offered next. 'I can give you a prescription for painkillers'. When I wouldn't take it; 'We don't cure individuals you know.....'

That year, I chose to take control of my well being. Another objection I had was terrible heart burn. Again in the wake of denying her medicine, I took a look at my eating routine. Surprisingly donner kebabs, southern fried chicken and chips aren't that good for your health. Within a week of drinking natural product smoothies and home cooking for lunch, my awful acid reflux had gone. The torment I had in my elbows, I chose to treat with a masseur prescribed to me, by my sister.

He gave me a meeting. Gotten some information about my well being, and way of life. I specified the Migraines, and to my entire surprise, he said he would investigate and deal with them. He has had different customers that he treated for this condition.

As I was laying on the back massage table, in the half alert, half sleeping joy of being dealt with, I heard him say "There's your Migraine issue. In that spot!" At that point he was pushing, hard on a knot at the back of my neck.* His certainty had completely stunned me.

The following couple of weeks, my headaches were less serious and less successive. Clearly, I had a couple of more sessions. THIS WORKED! Clearly, muscle tightness stops the oxygen in the blood streaming to the cerebrum. Common sense when you think about it. Joy!

I keep up the massage sessions once at regular intervals. My body is an all around oiled machine. I consider it to be an essential practice for my health. I regularly use the masseuse at:

*On a side note, my Tai Chi instructor had pinpointed precisely the same spot. She said I had a blockage in my Chi which made the headaches.

Prem Bhuller

Please note, this article was kindly written by Prem Bhuller, one of our dear clients. This is his experience and view. If you are seeing a doctor about a condition, let him /her know that you intend to have a massage. Also do not use massage as a replacement for your Doctors medical advise.

Baljit Singh