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Foods That Can Lower Your Cholesterol

Many people have found that they have high cholesterol. This means their LDL, triglyceride and Lp (a) levels are high while their HDL levels are low. Having high cholesterol means you are at high risk of having plaque buildup within your arteries making it more likely you will develop heart problems and suffer a stroke. A high HDL level is desirable because this substance tends to work against the level of LDL in the blood by moving it to the liver where it can be disposed of from the body. In order to lower cholesterol, you must place emphasis on low cholesterol diet foods that allow for minimal creation of cholesterol in the liver, high fiber options that bind cholesterol and encourage their disposal in the digestive system and some foods that actively prevent the absorption of the fats and carbohydrates used to form cholesterol in the liver.

High fiber foods that are soluble and help remove excess cholesterol from the blood include whole grains, citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. In addition to proving the soluble fiber, these foods are also helpful in making a person feel fuller for longer. There is less inclination to eat more frequently or large quantities of food. It helps trigger lowering of LDL cholesterol in the blood and weight loss. Switching to lean meats also helps reduce the level of LDL cholesterol converted. Fish should be increased because it provides omega 3 fatty acids that reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and make a healthier alternative to red meat.

Specific foods that act on increasing HDL levels in the body include kale juice, cranberry juice and eggs. How these foods are prepared also matters, switching ordinary cooking oil for the healthier olive, sunflower and peanut oil when cooking is better than solid cooking oil and butter.