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In 1957 it was in my country an election Duvalier was elit for 5 years. After 5 yeas he suppose to succed to another elit by election, he's not he proclaim his heard for life . This is the begining of the dictature in haiti start pushing people left his country without necessity and that gonna be so far. Duvalier weather a series of foreign- policy crises early in his tenure that ultimately enhanced his power and contributed to his megalomaniacal conviction that the was. in his words, the personification of the haitien fatherland. Duvalier's repressive and authoritarian rule seriously disturbed united state president John F Kennedy. The Kennedy administration registered particular concern over allegations that duvalier had blatantly misappropriated aid money and that he intended to employ a marine corps misssion to haiti not to train the regular army but to strengthen the tonton macouts. Washington acted on these charges and suspended aid in mid - 1962 >duvalier refuse to accept United stats demands for strict accounting procedures as a precondition of aid renewal. Duvalier , claiming to be motivated by nationalism, renounced all aid from washington. At that time , aid from the United states constitued a substantial portion of the haitien national budgget . the move had little direct impact on the haitien people because most of of the aid had been siphoned off by Duvalierist cronies anyway. renouncing the aid , however ,allowed the incipient dictator to portay himself as a principled and lonly opponent of domination by a great power. duvalier continued to reiceve multilateral contributions. after Kennedy's death in November 1963, presure on duvalier eased and the United States adopted a policy of grudging acceptance of the haitien regime regime because of the country's strategic locatioon near communist cuba a more tense and confortational situation developed in April 1963 between duvalier and dominican republic president Juan Bosch Gavino .duvalier and Bosch were confirmed adversaries; the Ominican president provided asylum and direct supportto mHaitien exiles who plotted against the Duvalier regime. Duvalier ordered the presidential Guard to occupy the Dominican chancery in petion ville in an effort to apprehend an army officer believed to have been involved in an unsuccesful attempt to kidnap the dictator's son . Jean claude duvalier , in daughter, simone Duvalier. The dominican republic reacted with outrage and indignation. Bosch publicly threatened to invade haiti,and he ordered army units to the frontier. Although observers Throughout the world anticipated military action that would lead to Duvalier 's downfall, the saw events turn in the Haitien t yrant's favor. dominican military commanders , who found Bosch' political leaning too far to the left , expressed little support for an invasion of haiti. Bosch, because he could not count on is military ,decided to let go of his dream to overthrow the neighboring dictatorship. instead, he allowed the matter to be settled by emissaries of the organization of american state (OAS) Resistant to both domestic and foreign challenges, Duvalier entrenched his rule through terror an estimated 30 000 Haitians were killed for political reasons during his tenure , emigration which removed the more activist elements of the population along with thousands of purely economic migrants , and limited patronage. At the time of his death in 1971, Francois Duvalier designated his son ,Jean Claude duvalier, as Haiti' new leader. To the Haitian elite, who still dominated the economy, the continuation of Duvalierism without papa doic offered financial gain and a possibility for recapturing some of political influence lost under the dictatorship. haitians immigrants certainly constitute a very visible segment of contemporary american society. This visibility is due to the fact that they have been steadily migrating in significant numbers to the United States since the late 1950 s early 1960s, soon after francois duvalier papa doc became president of Haiti. ......... Haitian immigrants certainly constitute a very visible segment of contemporary American society. This visibility is due to the fact that they have been steadily migrating in significant numbers to the United states since the late 1950s early 1960s after francois Duvalier (papa doc) became president of haiti. The political repression that characterized the Duvalier period forced large numbers of haitians to seek safer harbor in the United States. sustained political oppression , economic hardship, and lack of oportinity continued to drive contingents of haiti immigrants out of their homeland all throughout the 1970s , 1980s, and In fact, haitian immigrants persists to the present day , as evidenced in the numerouos reports of major news networks , suck as those of CNN or the New York times , about the boat disembarking on the Florida shores as recently as October 2002. The combination of push and pull factors led Haitians to cross the caribbean Sea, by plane or by boat, legally or illegally , in other to reach the shores of America , the perceived land of opportunity, to begin new lives. An examination of the records of the Census Bureau as well as those of the immigration and naturalization service INS allows for reasonable inferences about the size of the legal Haitian population curently residing in the united states however , estimate provided by community leaders who offer assistance to the illegal population as well suggest that the actual number of the Haitian is higher than that recorded in government documents. In short, there is good reason to believe that the Haitian diaspora in the United states exceeds 850.000 and according onto community leaders may be close to 1millionmaybe we should do something about this section we get haitian immigrant almost everywhere in the Uniteds States New York, close to 400.000 , 20. 000 at other areas, Miami little Haiti Delray Beach 500.000, Philadelphie 30.000, Chicago 8.000. Boston 70.000. In Canada.

In 1980 i was a child but i really don't know what happen to my country.

some years later history told me what was happening because i wasn't born Duvalier father was president But i heard a lot about Duvalier father he was a criminal , kill people torture, people people cannot talk, people cannot say the truth , if you say the truth he looking for you to kill you

. for that reason a lot of haitians people left is country to refuge in a other country specially Canada and USA.

After Duvalier father pass away, the regime still stay to govern by is son Jean Claude Duvalier ( BaBy Doc )

To be honest he succeded to his son before is die.There is nothing change because Baby Doc continue the ferocious regime , he had <> , One of the rules of tonton macoute are to spy people , to know if you don't like the government or don't like it , if you don't like it you suppose to leave the country for one of several reason haitian people at this time don't have any choice, you suppose to leave and you know when you leave your country without your own determination you already an immigrant . But what i have to say ,at this time to be sincere it wasn't an economic problem because the American money was equal to haitian money 5 gourdes pour 1 dollar . After the departure in 1986 of Duvalier Baby Doc haitian peoples had relieve for a while. After 1986 the country was was gourvern by some criminal military like Namphy.For a second time mean 1990 the country got another problem Specially by Michel Francoi, Cedras , Toto Constant <> and the other hands international

In 1990 we have the first democratic election in haiti after the departure of Duvalier we got a new president constitutional elite he was name Jean Bertrand Aristid , the haitien people really thought the life come back, before the president got his office the palais National people clean the country all together did every thing to made better haiti but it wasn't, after six months later the military to throw onselft back the president elite constititionally by by the millitary i was mention at the begining, now leaving in Santo domingo,Raoul sedras, immigrant in Panama and Toto Constan IN USA. At that time I already finish my high school i passed some bad moment in my life i can never forget. That period was ferocious haitian peoples left his country what ever the way the can, like, specially by boat to immigrant the other country specially USA. the immigration problem with my country his very complicate people left haiti for a reason politico economic but if i'm talking about 1980 to now i cannot make a difference. because the first regime are question politico ferocious now a day the haitiens problem become biggest because it politico - economic you know when you talking about politic it get a bound to economic people afraid to invest his money , to circulate in that country there are problem" by the way o lot of haitians left his country to seek a new life, but some of them don't have an economic problem , the have politic problem cause , immigrant haitians specially over here suffer some different injustice ,immiliation under different form by the way i m going to say "There is call There are" what i m gonna say about immigration or immigrant i don' t have many information about the other countries immigrants in U.A.S but the haitiens immigrants are not on the right track. I think the both regimes aren't good ,because they made people left his country without necessity. PALAIS NATIONAL