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The buffalo's ability to sense Evercloud. Evercloud's

Say? Well, this is serious. You done a instagram good job coming to get me, boy. It'll take all the officers to get this job done. You stop by the jailhouse later, and we'll have 'em, you'll see. Thank you, Sir. And with a final twitch of the mustache, the hefty man waddled away faster than Evercloud had thought anyone could waddle. Evercloud smiled, he couldn't google believe his luck. Johnball. Wait till Riverpaw hears this. Evercloud walked through the village trying to find a pub or a tavern where people were gathered. He felt a bit more confident after having successfully tricked buy instagram likes the officer. The first tavern he came across took the name of the village, Hendrick Tavern. He went inside and looked around. The tavern was rather dingy and there were not many windows. He wondered why anyone would want to come into such a morose place on such a nice day. There were buy instagram likes a few groups of people sitting at tables, but they were seated facing each other, backs to the rest of the tavern. Evercloud thought that it might be difficult to engage them in conversation. Toward the back of the tavern, there was a bar where a few men were seated alongside each other. They seemed friendly and were in a conversation with the barkeep. Evercloud thought that this looked like a good opportunity. He walked up to the bar and took a seat to the left of the man sitting on the end of the group. The man briefly looked over as he sat down but then returned to his conversation. The barkeeper, however, stopped the conversation and came over to Evercloud. What'll it be? I'll have an ale, please. Ain't you a bit young for ale? asked the barkeeper. I'm served ale all the time, responded Evercloud, forgetting where he was. Oh, really? said the barkeeper. That's funny, cause I ain't seen you in here before. Now all the men at the bar had turned to look at Evercloud. He looked back at them, realizing that he might be too young to drink ale by human standards. Well, that's because I haven't been here before, said Evercloud, trying to recover from his slip. I meant that they serve me in Yorebrook. My name is John, John Ball. From Yorebrook, eh? said a man with a red beard, two seats down from Evercloud. I got a sister in Yorebrook. Then the man turned to the barkeeper. Give him an ale, Gene. It ain't instagram gonna hurt him. The barkeeper shrugged his shoulders and turned around to the tap. He poured Evercloud a mug of ale and placed it down in front of him. That'll be three gold pieces, young man. Evercloud thanked him and buy instagram likes handed over the money. So, continued the man with the red beard. Tell us news of Yorebrook, my boy. How goes it there? Evercloud took a sip of the ale and struggled to stop himself from spitting it out. That's horrible, he thought. Bear ale was much finer than that which was brewed by men. Evercloud swallowed and answered the man. All is well in Yorebrook, he said, nodding. Nothing of any excitement to speak of...although, Evercloud saw this as his first opportunity. There have been rumors of a return of the Ancients...have there been such rumors here in Hendrick? The tavern went dead silent and all of its inhabitants now had their eyes pinned down on Evercloud. A sinking feeling worked its way into his stomach and he wondered if it were the ale. The man with the red beard pushed his