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AVE FRATRES ET SORORES, Hail and welcome to the home of the ORBIS IGNIS. We are a grass roots online study group for students of the left hand path based in Birmingham, Alabama. We do not have one single perspective but we are united in the common goal of teaching, learning, and sharing ideas. We are open to Satanists, both traditional and LaVeyan, Luciferians, Setians, Chaotes, Thelemites and anyone who feels their path lies decidedly on the left as opposed to the right. We use the myth of Prometheus, thief of fire from the gods, bringer of light and wisdom, as our emblem because he represents the goals to which we aspire. Admittedly, organizing Satanists is a bit like herding cats into straight lines. As Satanists, and left handers in general, we are in the minority even amongst pagans here in the Bible Belt. We must reach out to one another or else remain forever isolated in hostile territory. This in mind, we strive to create an atmosphere of peaceful and enlightened discussion where all are welcome provided they adhere to the ideals of the left hand path. XEPER, Frater Invictus

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