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Hello, people of the world!! I have created my teacher's worst nightmares--a Web site. Now...where is my dramatic music? I demand dramatic.....shut up, Amanda!! Anyway, this is a Web site--I did not mean to say 'tis', stupid person next to me! As I was saying--wait, what was I saying? Gods, I'm off track now...oh, right, this is a Web site for me to help spread the insanity of my life, and no, I'm not going to say THAT, Amanda!!! So--shut--up. I will put quotes, pictures, and maybe comics on here as well. So look forward to seeing the odd and weird world of--Amanda, STOP DANCING--me in the future--I'm going to poke you if you don't calm down! Now I'm going to let Amanda fix all my grammar mistakes...poor Amanda. [Ed. Yes, poor me. Ghords forbid she ever ask me to edit a novel!] Shut up, minion! [I get no respect. D=]