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The Many Types Of Poetry
Acrostic Poems: when the first letter in each line form a word or
message when read in a sequence.

Never the same meaning
A very important thing
My way of expressing myself
Everything me
Alliteration: When anmost every word starts with the same letter or
sound then it is an alliteration.
For Some Cool Examples Click Here: My ABC's
Rhyme: A poem that has the repetition of the same or similar sounds
of two or more words, most of the time at the end of a word.

Best friends are dimonds in a
sea of
They stay true as time does PASS.
Glass shatters and wears AWAY,
While dimonds stay strong day by
What you must do now ALAS.
Is find a way to separate the
dimonds from the
Limerick: A short poem that usually tells a story cositing of 5 lines. Lines
1, 2, and 5 contain 7 to 10 sylables and ryme with eachother. Lines 3 and 4
contain 5 to 7 sylables and ryme with eachother, but it is a different ryme
than lines 1, 2, and 5.

The day has come, the day is HERE.
The day is very, very NEAR!
What great new things it BRINGS?
So many,many THINGS!
Yes the day has come, the day is
Shape: Poetry written in the shape of an object
Edges so sharp 4 right
an A square a square. It's her gl
e it's there. What a fine sha Sh
pe. One like this is first ra ed
te. On a cloudy day. This e a
can wipe your tears away. rp
Never to be mangled!