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Dentistry Dublin center dental pulp cavity


Dentistry Dublinpulpits central sites of inflammation in dental pulp cavity, the drug through a small apical foramen to reach; you cannot say anything definitive treatment of pulpits drugs, so pulpits “no cure “the argument is that there is some truth.


 Many pulpits patient toothache styled, those who are not professional doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients casually used, and the result is completely ineffective. For pain caused by pulpits, painkillers have a certain role, and when severe pain, painkillers role is not obvious. Like the “toothache pill" a kind of local analgesics may be effective in mild pain, but not a good way. When pulpits, the best is to find a dentist, right Bingham treatment and processing, have been in pain before going to the dentist can be oral analgesics, other drugs are not recommended.


 Dentistry Dublin periodical under normal circumstances, the further development of pulpits, periodical bacterial violations to the surrounding tissue will cause a periodical. Early inflammatory dental patient will feel a sense of floating, easy to bite Bingya, tooth pain when biting. Early due to inflammation of the range is relatively small, the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory painkillers, although some help in controlling inflammation, but little significance.


 Dentistry Dublin professional dentists still emphasized local drainage and topical medication; the doctor will usually clear from the teeth to the apical surrounding tissue, and placed in the local anti-inflammatory pain medications, such as camphor and phenol. Periodical if patients do not get timely treatment, inflammation expand the scope of possible cheek pain, swelling, suppuration, and even fever, body aches and other symptoms.


Dental Dublin after the repair can brush your teeth, flossing


Dental Dublin Since porcelain teeth are wrapped around the top of the remaining tooth structure, with a complete healthy tooth tissue as compared to porcelain teeth and tooth structure connected to the site easier to secondary caries, leading to treatment failure. Therefore, after the repair can not only porcelain teeth brushing, and the need to use the correct method of brushing better oral hygiene. Whether brushing or flossing make porcelain teeth fall off


Dental Dublin normal circumstances, brushing or flossing will not make porcelain teeth fall off. If you fall off the case, mostly due to secondary caries or poor retention cause, should seek immediate medical attention. PFM crowns can be used after many years


KaoCiYa life is determined by many factors, including: the case of the remaining tooth structure; ceramic dental materials; doctor's clinical therapeutic levels; patient's oral hygiene maintenance and eating habits. Doctors can only be from the level of impact on individual health, the patient needs to cooperate with each other to get the best treatment. If the patient's own mouth dental caries occur frequently, gingivitis psychosis problem, it is difficult to ensure a long-lasting porcelain dental treatment. Foreign literature, a single metal ceramic crowns five-year success rate was 90%, 15 - 20 years of restoration success rate of 50 % -80%.


Dental Dublin Why porcelain teeth after treatment swelling and bleeding gums


Generally have the following common reasons:


1 porcelain dental restoration have not been perfect before periodontal treatment, the presence of gingivitis or periodontitis .


2 porcelain teeth do not close together or have the edge overhang, easy to clean, leading to inflammation of the gums, swelling bleeding.


3 porcelain teeth edges located too deep beneath the location of the gums, violating the biologic width.


4 porcelain is teeth adjacent to the poor relationship between food impaction, causing inflammation of the gums.


Dentistry Dublin porcelain dental treatment FAQ


Dentistry Dublin what needs to be done before treatment with preparations of teeth with pupil or periodical lesions need to go through complete root canal therapy ; patients with periodontal disease periodontal treatment needs to be carried out to ensure healthy gums ; Some malocclusion patients need to make orthodontic treatment to restore good occlusal relationship .


 Nichrome Nickel crown security is an essential element of our large number of real-life items such as pots and pans and so contain nickel, Dentistry Dublin Nickel is discharged through metabolic.


 For the vast majority of patients are safe. Nickel-chromium alloy with good bio- security, only for very few patients will be some side effects caused by contact with oral allergy is very rare ; Nichrome good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance for dental prosthesis production , have a good operational performance in these areas , in addition to precious metals , the nickel-chromium alloys can be said is the best choice ; nickel-chromium alloy crown cheap, in our present situation , it is possible that more people have access to more satisfied with the dental restorations .


Dentistry Dublin Which best porcelain teeth, how to choose


Each has its advantages and disadvantages of porcelain, the amount of molar, strong degree of adaptation, beautiful properties, biocompatibility, etc. are considerations. In addition, the price of porcelain teeth are also important considerations one.


 Patients should be based on the doctor's advice and with their own situation to choose. In a sense, there are no best porcelain teeth, only the most suited to their porcelain teeth.


Dental Dublin porcelain teeth


Dental Dublin porcelain teeth, namely porcelain fused to metal crowns, also known as the Joint PFM crowns. Ceramic powder which is sintered at high temperatures within the crown fused to the metal surface and the formation of full crown restorations. PFM is currently the most widely used clinical crown restorations; both cast metal crowns good mechanical strength and the advantages of all-ceramic crowns and beautiful, are an ideal prosthesis.


Dental Dublin porcelain teeth classification


Porcelain teeth from the inside of the metal base layer and outer layer of two layers of porcelain , metal crown according to their different materials are divided into three categories: precious metal alloy crown ( crown of gold alloy represented ) , non-precious alloys porcelain crown ( crown of nickel -chromium alloy , cobalt -chromium alloy crown represented ) , titanium crown .


1 crown precious metal alloys: Using precious metal crown made of porcelain crowns are called precious porcelain crown. Precious metal has good chemical inertness it has antioxidant and anti- corrosion. The most commonly used in dentistry, including precious metals: gold, platinum and palladium.


(2) Non-precious alloy-porcelain crown: the use of non- precious metal crown made of porcelain crowns are called non-precious crown. Non-noble metal is easily oxidized at high temperatures , corrosion resistance is relatively weak, especially in the humid oral environment , easy to precipitate metal ions, may lead to gum dyed gray color, but also a part of the metal sensitization. The most commonly used dental non-noble metal include: nickel, chromium, cobalt and aluminum.


3. Dental Dublin titanium porcelain crown: Titanium should belong to the scope of non- precious metals, but because it has many different characteristics, so it is listed separately. Titanium has good biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and low thermal conductivity and so on. But because of its high melting point; casting processing difficulties; easily oxidized metal and the ceramic base layer with relatively poor, prone to chipping off the porcelain layer; ceramic powder processing requires the use of special problems, limiting its wide application.




Dentistry Dublin diagnosis


Dentistry Dublin Patients complained, eating hard objects such as bleeding, teeth bleeding, spontaneous bleeding.


oral examination to check whether the patient's mouth bleeding gums and related local factors , including gingivitis, tartar , periodontal pocket , local trauma .


meet the above two arbitrary one , and the exclusion of other sources of digestive and respiratory tract bleeding diagnosed as bleeding gums.


Dentistry Dublin diseases


For acute bleeding gums , first emergency stop bleeding, such as packing , oppression of bleeding, suture gingival papilla , periodontal treatment , etc. , if necessary, short-term systemic haemostatic drugs, but should be strictly controlled indications.


Given bleeding gums caused more by local factors , a) shall promptly remove local incentives , including  , sub gingival scaling to remove plaque tartar and other pathogenic factors ; treatment of food impaction ; remove the bad restorations , filling body , appliance ; correcting poor oral habits. b) oral health education , control plaque , develop good oral hygiene habits, including proper brushing morning and evening , dental floss , toothpicks rational use of regular periodontal examination and periodontal treatment ; c) smoking cessation , increased fruit and vegetable intake and so on.


Dentistry Dublin for suspicious and general health -related bleeding gums, to give enough attention to the relevant time-line inspection, such as blood coagulation phase, liver and kidney function, treatment measures against diseases.




Dentistry Dublin inflammation diagnosis


Dentistry Dublin1, inflammation of the clinical manifestations: edema or fibrosis due gums and significant, the color red and / or dark red, sulks temperature, stimulating and easy bleeding.


 2, signs and symptoms is confined to the gum tissue.


 3, GCF volume increased, the temperature rises.


4, the presence of plaque cause or worsen the severity of the lesions. 5, periodontal attachment loss or although there have been no attachment loss but steady progression. 6, plaque control, and other factors, this is base reversible after removal of the disease. Dentistry Dublin differential diagnosis of early periodontitis with gingival inflammation may have a true periodontal pocket, attachment loss, to probe into the cement-enamel junction, crustal bone hard board absorbed or disappear. Inflammation may disappear after treatment, the lesion stationary, but has destroyed the support organization is difficult to completely back to normal. Blood disease caused by bleeding gums leukemia, thrombocytopenic purport , hemophilia , plastic anemia and other blood diseases , can cause bleeding gums , and easy to spontaneous bleeding, bleeding more difficult to stop . On the main complaint with bleeding gums and have gingival inflammation , patients should be asked in detail about medical history , blood tests can help rule out these diseases.


 Dentistry Dublin treatment 1, remove the cause: By scaling technique completely remove plaque, tartar, plaque retention and eliminate the cause local irritation of the gums factor.


For patients with severe inflammation , and with the local drug treatment , two , surgical treatment : a small number of patients with gingival hyperplasic gingivitis obvious fibrosis , inflammation subsided after gingival morphology is still not back to normal, may be imposed gums angioplasty to restore the gums physiological shape .


Dentistry Dublin 3, to prevent relapse: Chronic gingivitis efficacy of an ideal, it is important to prevent recurrence of the disease. To persevere to maintain good oral hygiene habits regularly ( six months to a year ) for review and maintained in order to remain effective , to prevent recurrence. Undermining the nascent collagen fibers, gums, color , shape, quality and functions can be fully restored to normal, the prognosis is good . However, if the patient cannot effectively control plaque and regularly reviewed, leading to accumulation of plaque on this lot, gingivitis is easy to relapse.


Dental Dublin periodontal abscess periodontal tissue inflammation



Dental Dublinperiodontal abscess periodontal tissue inflammation can cause further development of supportive inflammation.

Abscess formation, severe pain, abscess formation after local fluctuations feeling. In periodontal abscess formation, the pain can be significantly reduced or alleviated. Tooth hypersensitivity often due to gingival recession, exposed dentin tooth neck and tooth defects due. At this time, cold, hot, sweet, sour and other stimuli can be pain, but the pain can disappear after the cessation of stimulation.

 Dental Dublin a general method of treatment, gum pain: persistent pain in the teeth, accompanied by swelling, loose, many accompanied by food impaction symptoms of periodontitis performance.

Recommended to scaling. 2, cold and hot and sour pain: the case of hot and cold sweet tooth pain, removal of irritants, and the pain disappeared. Dental pigmentation, common to dental caries. Gingival margin tooth surface is no pigmentation, deep wedge-shaped defect. Two kinds of dental problems are mild, restorative treatment can improve. But if it is due to gingival recession caused by dentin hypersensitivity, the treatment process is more complicated.

3, spontaneous pain: spontaneous gingival pain, cannot be located, the pain got worse when sleeping; cold, heat stimulation can induce pain, remove the pain stimulus continues for some time, pain to the ear temporal radiation. Means that there is inflammation of the pulp, want to "bad nerves” for treatment, removal of teeth “bad nerves”, before making the root canal treatment.

 Dental Dublin diagnostic consciously teeth or gum pain. Toothache generally more relevant with stomach meridian; under toothache more with hand yanking large intestine related.




Dentistry Dublin toothache caused by inflammation


Dentistry Dublin dental pain without the performance is still harder and harder, there may be cause of trigeminal neuralgia.


Nature of pain tooth pain caused by inflammation generally exhibit persistent pain , and trigeminal neuralgia often in the attack without aura , but the sudden lightning-like like a knife , burning , acupuncture, electric shock -like pain, severe unbearable , usually lasts a few seconds , several times a day attack , unbearable.


Sometimes you can find a "trigger point" , that is the trigger point , stimulating these points can cause episodes of pain , but the last episode , and then stimulate the "trigger point" will not cause seizures . Acute pulpits common in patients with deep caries, bacteria from the cavity into the pulp cavity, causing tooth nerve congestion, inflammation. Toothache is often spontaneous, nocturnal pain increased, hot and cold stimulation pain more drama. Pain may radiate to the face, temporal and ears.


Dentistry Dublin in patients with purulent pulpits, the patient is experiencing pain intensified thermal stimulation and cold stimulation of pain but reduces or disappears. Acute periodical is by the development of acute pulpits or trauma caused by such factors. Bunya was persistent pain, a sense of floating , not chewed , the patient can rightly pointed out Bunya , such as percussion Bingham then cause pain, this time due to Bunya nerves necrosis, and therefore not excite pain. The nature of acute pain and acute is periodontitis periodical similar.


Dentistry Dublin Bunya occurs not only chew surfaced pain and sense, and has formed periodontal pockets and tooth mobility. Gingival tissue swelling and bleeding can occur repeatedly.


Dental Dublin poor oral diseases caused by eating off


Dental Dublin as fine food sugar high viscosity heavy, easily deposited on the tooth surface, therefore, should be warned children eat fine food, or must brush our teeth after eating.


Especially before going to bed to eat, such as biscuits, cakes and other fine foods, not only easy to form tartar, but can also cause tooth decay. So usually must develop brushing and good oral hygiene habits. Introduction too thatched first need to find the reason. Toothache main reasons : Acute pulpits , acute periodical inflammation, acute periodontitis , periodontal abscess, tooth hypersensitivity , dry socket , food impaction pain , gums, jaw tumors, and trigeminal neuralgia and so on. Toothache drug therapy should be considered first. For periodontitis, pulpits, abscesses caused by inflammation of toothache, it is recommended to use such loose teeth clean pure Chinese medicine for external use, side effects, does not produce dependence. Join scattered teeth clean wind and other herbs, with good analgesic effect can be


Dental Dublin doctor quickly relieve all kinds of tooth toothache, while adding turmeric, mint and other bacterial anti-inflammatory, remove the fire herbs, periodontitis , pulpits , dental swelling, toothache , etc. have a good therapeutic effect. Loose teeth clean as topical powder, can act directly on the affected area, compared to some of the analgesic medicine , side effects , you can achieve the effect of treating the symptoms .


Alternatively, you can use other pain medicine. If drug treatment does not work, should go to hospital for further treatment. The main reason most likely caused by a toothache pulpits, per apical, crown weeks go far. Dental Dublin pulpits caused by bacterial infection more often occurs in deep cavities in teeth, chemical stimulation and physical factors can also be induced . Pulpitis with acute and chronic. Is characterized by acute pulpitis case without any stimulation , spontaneous paroxysmal pain, cold at night or in case of increased pain when stimulated , patients often cannot accurately locate pain ; chronic pulpitis often previous history of acute toothache , encounter a variety of stimuli or food embedded cavities caused by pain.




Dentistry Dublin bleeding gums harm is done


Dentistry Dublin that is bacteria in the mouth is not just simply exist, some will come together, adhere to one another, and with the saliva and other substances to form a "plaque." Plaque can be more firmly attached to the teeth and the growth and reproduction, dental calculus is mineralized plaque, which not only makes it easier for bacteria adhesion, and oppression will further stimulate the gum tissue, aggravate inflammation. This is harm the gum bleeding. Dentistry Dublin water cannot wash away plaque by brushing and flossing can remove most, but the tartar can only be removed through the mouth scaling. As long as attention brushing gingivitis, keep the mouth clean and go to a professional dental clinic for periodontal scaling (cleaning teeth), remove plaque, tartar and gum surrounding inflammatory cytokines, gingivitis is completely control and treatment. Dentistry Dublin is gingivitis periodontitis prelude. Periodontitis is a progressive disease - that is, it does not like the common cold, regardless of the treatment is not treatment, as long as no secondary infection, a week or so will be fine. Without inflammation and oral stimulus control, gingivitis will be further developed into periodontitis, which is no longer limited to soft tissue inflammation, but will involve the alveolar bone, when the slow loss of bone, teeth lost support, began to loosen, eventually leading to tooth loss. This is the main hazard of bleeding gums.


Dental Dublin clinical manifestations of inflammation

Dental Dublin dentist tooth repair tool


Dental Dublin inflammation clinical manifestations: edema or fibrosis due gums and significant , the color red and / or dark red, sulcus temperature, stimulating and easy bleeding. 2 , signs and symptoms confined to the gum tissue . 3 , GCF volume increased , the temperature rises . 4 , the presence of plaque cause or worsen the severity of the lesions . 5 , periodontal attachment loss or Although there have been no attachment loss but steady progression . 6 , plaque control , and other factors, this base reversible after removal of the disease .


Dental Dublin differential diagnosis of an early periodontitis with gingival inflammation , may have a true periodontal pockets , attachment loss , to probe into the cemento-enamel junction , crestal bone hard board absorbed or disappear . Inflammation may disappear after treatment , the lesion stationary , but has destroyed the support organization is difficult to completely back to normal . 2, the blood disease caused by bleeding gums leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura , hemophilia , aplastic anemia and other blood diseases , can cause bleeding gums , and easy to spontaneous bleeding, bleeding more difficult to stop . On the main complaint with bleeding gums and have gingival inflammation , patients should be asked in detail about medical history , blood tests can help rule out these diseases. Dental Dublin


Treatment 1, remove the cause: By scaling technique completely remove plaque , tartar , plaque retention and eliminate the cause local irritation of the gums factor. Acute inflammation of the gingival papilla to remove local incentives . For patients with severe inflammation , can be used with local drug therapy , local drug commonly used hydrogen peroxide of 1% , the recurrence chlorhexidine solution , iodine preparations . With the use of antibiotics in acute inflammation can amoxicillin and metronidazole . 2 , surgical treatment : a small number of patients with gingival hyperplastic gingivitis obvious fibrosis , inflammation subsided after gingival morphology is still not back to normal, may be imposed gums angioplasty to restore the physical appearance gums . 3, to prevent relapse : Chronic gingivitis efficacy of an ideal , it is important to prevent recurrence of the disease . To persevere to maintain good good oral hygiene habits regularly ( six months to a year ) for review and maintained in order to remain effective , to prevent recurrence. 4 , necrotizing gingivitis patients can be topical 1% -3% hydrogen peroxide solution to clean , rinse and rinse again , helps to remove necrotic tissue , while inhibiting anaerobic bacteria. Systemic administration of vitamin C and protein and other supportive therapy , while systemic factors for correction and treatment.


Dental Dublin prevention of oral diseases



Dental dublin teeth cleaning once a year. Tartar attached to the teeth, affect the appearance, but also affect the effect of dental restoration, with tartar, dentures (also known as the removable partial denture) will not close together with the tooth surface, easily lead to food debris accumulated in the denture, cause inflammation of the mouth. So more people calculus, dental cleaning teeth before is going to.


After cleaning teeth if ignored, it will soon form tartar, so after cleaning teeth continue Prevention. Note that the correct method of brushing , helps reduce tartar formation ; cleaning teeth, over a period of time will still be localized bleeding, your dentist will have to check carefully whether there is still deep periodontal or gum remnants of tartar , need deep cleaning teeth - sub gingival scaling .


Dental Dublin prognosis of the disease does not pay attention to develop good oral hygiene habits, even after thorough scaling, tartar easily deposited on the tooth surface again soon. Disease prevention is the prevention of tooth brushing stone formation in a simple yet effective method. Most people brush their teeth usually only about 70% of the plaque removal, personal oral care in addition to brushing your teeth, it should also use other cleaning tools: dental floss, tooth brush clearance and so on. After cleaning teeth must be carefully personal oral care, keep the mouth clean environment, or in a timely manner often scaling, tartar can also be making a comeback. Dental calculus deposition is from less to more, gradually form.


Dental Dublin regular brushing can be deposited on the tooth surface has just begun plaque, tartar and timely brush. So should adhere to teeth, should the deposition of tartar until very thick, very closely attached, you cannot afford to brush, dental professionals must help to remove.


Dentistry Dublin found on the gum disease


Dentistry Dublin that leukemia occurs in the gums, many patients because of gingival swelling, bleeding prior to dental visits, after the dentist’s diagnosis with leukemia, resulting in a relatively early stage of treatment.


There are reports in the literature, Beijing admitted to a hospital hematology children with acute leukemia, the first performance in the mouth more than 10%.


Now the cause of leukemia is not clear, but may be many factors in the pathogenesis of leukemia, such as viruses, genetic, radiation, chemical poisons and drugs.


Dentistry Dublin leukemia why would it cause gum swelling? Leukemia blood leukocytes are not mature, there are a lot of immature white blood cells, they gathered in a large number of gums, causing swelling of the gums, and easy bleeding.


Leukemia in the body and mouth manifestations is the following:


1. Younger patients, mostly children and young people.


The illness often more acute manifestations of malaise, there are varying degrees of fever and anemia, oral or spontaneous bleeding under the skin, difficult to stop;


 2 was swollen gums, gums, irregular in shape throughout, colors and some dark, some white;


3 some gums ulcers, and there will be pain;


 4 due to swelling of the gums , mouth bleeding , the patient cannot brush your teeth, poor oral hygiene , there will be bad breath, loose teeth may also occur ;


 5. Local (such as the neck) and generalized lymph nodes may occur.


Palm plantar kurtosis - periodontal destruction syndrome is a hereditary disease characterized by palms and soles more obvious parts of the skin keratinocytes, and the emergence of scaling, periodontal serious damage, but generally do not have significant systemic disease. Dentistry Dublin that the disease is rare, and there will be one to four million people in the individual disease. Relatively early onset, often in the skin before the age of 4 and periodontal disease, but the child's mental and physical development is normal.


Dentistry Dublin Disease Prevention




Dentistry Dublin brushing is the prevention of dental calculus formation of a simple yet effective method. Most people brush their teeth usually only about 70% of the plaque removal, personal oral care in addition to brushing your teeth, it should also use other cleaning tools: dental floss, tooth brush clearance and so on. After cleaning teeth must be carefully personal oral care, keep the mouth clean environment, or in a timely manner often scaling, tartar can also be making a comeback.


Dentistry Dublin dental calculus deposition is from less to more, gradually form. Regular brushing can be deposited on the tooth surface has just begun plaque, tartar and timely brush. So should adhere to teeth, should the deposition of tartar until very thick, very closely attached, you cannot afford to brush, and dental professionals must help to remove.


Dentistry Dublin addition, as fine food sugar high viscosity heavy, easily deposited on the tooth surface, therefore, should be warned children eat fine food, or must brush our teeth after eating. Especially before going to bed to eat, such as biscuits, cakes and other fine foods, not only easy to form tartar, but can also cause tooth decay. So usually must develop brushing and good oral hygiene habits.


Dentistry Dublin bleeding gums harm is done


Dentistry Dublin that is bacteria in the mouth is not just simply exist, some will come together, adhere to one another, and with the saliva and other substances to form a "plaque."


 Plaque can be more firmly attached to the teeth and the growth and reproduction, dental calculus is mineralized plaque, which not only makes it easier for bacteria adhesion, and oppression will further stimulate the gum tissue, aggravate inflammation. This is harming the gum bleeding.


Dentistry Dublin water cannot wash away plaque by brushing and flossing can remove most, but the tartar can only be removed through the mouth scaling.


As long as attention brushing gingivitis, keep the mouth clean and go to a professional dental clinic for periodontal scaling (cleaning teeth), remove plaque, tartar and gum surrounding inflammatory cytokines, gingivitis is completely control and treatment.


 Dentistry Dublin is gingivitis periodontitis prelude. Periodontitis is a progressive disease - that is, it does not like the common cold, regardless of the treatment is not treatment, as long as no secondary infection, a week or so will be fine.


 Without inflammation and oral stimulus control, gingivitis will be further developed into periodontitis, which is no longer limited to soft tissue inflammation, but will involve the alveolar bone, when the slow loss of bone, teeth lost support, began to loosen, eventually leading to tooth loss. This is the main hazard of bleeding gums.


Dental Dublin healthy teeth


Dental Dublin you need healthy teeth to chew, taste, and improve self-image and appearance, so the establishment of a good oral hygiene habits are very important. Brushing is the most important and most effective way to clean up the dirt on the teeth. Pick a soft toothbrush bristles clean teeth, as tough and violent bristles brushing action may lead to gum recession or trauma. Dental Dublin importance of flossing Brushing alone is not enough, flossing and brushing are equally important. Use your hands tighten both ends of dental floss and dental floss through the two contact surfaces between the teeth to get rid of food residue. Dental Dublin to maintain a healthy diet, diet can affect your chance of tooth decay. Studies have shown that children who regularly eat snacks easier to tooth decay. Acidic beverages such as carbonated beverages can corrode tooth surface. Bite Hard foods can undermine the integrity of the teeth.


