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A hemorrhoid is a distended, inflamed vein in the anus and lower rectum. It has many causes and some folks are more prone to having it than others. Fortunately, many treatment methods are effective, and some can be performed safely in your own home. Listed below are a few things you need to know about hemorrhoids.

Why do we get hemorrhoids?

The veins near your rectal area can bulge as a result of the increased pressure such as when you’re straining during bowel movements, sitting for extended periods on the toilet, or living with chronic diarrhea or constipation. Pregnant women can also get hemorrhoids, specifically during the last six months of their pregnancy. Excessive weight is also a predisposing factor for hemorrhoids. Anal intercourse and a low-fiber diet can also increase your risk of having hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are more common among old people as the tissues which support the veins in their rectum are weak with age and stretchier.


The most typical symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding while moving bowels, and itching or pain in the rectum.

Lifestyle and home remedies

Soak frequently in a warm bath - Soaking your body in a tub with plain warm water 10 to 15 minutes 2 to 3 times each day can help relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Alternatively, you may use a Sitz bath equipment, which are small enough to fit over the toilet bowl so you can sit in warm water up to the hips.

Make sure to keep the anal area clean - Bathe on a daily basis to keep the skin around your anus clean. Instead of drying the region by using a towel, use a hair dryer set on low.

Clean using wet wipes- Making use of dry toilet paper is only going to exacerbate the hemorrhoids. Clean the area with moist towelettes after defecating instead. Ensure that you use wet wipes that come without perfume or alcohol.

Add fiber to your meals - One cause of hemorrhoids is a low-fiber diet. Increasing your intake of dietary fiber by taking fruits, vegetables and whole grains can thus help you deal with the hemorrhoid problem. Remember though that consuming a lot of fiber could also result to constipation. To avert this, make sure to drink lots of water. For more information about Venapro Ingredients and what you need to know about hemorrhoids please click this link.

Exercise- Many individuals suffering from hemorrhoids stay away from exercise simply because they feel that it would make their condition much worse. Even though you should refrain from exercises that involves straining, for instance resistance training, don’t let hemorrhoids prevent you from exercising. Also, exercise can help make your bowel habits regular.

Buy natural hemorrhoid remedies like Venapro. You may be asking what is Venapro? This is a two-step all-natural formula that provides relief from hemorrhoids. You can read more about this treatment here.