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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a illness that shows itself in the form of sever mood swings. Some of you may have heard of manic depression which is the same thing. People with bipolar disorder experience severe shifts of high and low moods to such an extreme it affects their daily life.

The high points are what is known as acute mania. This is the anger or almost violent grouchyness. Acute mania can also be expressed as being TOO happy. Just think of it as the extreme high of any normal mood or emotion.

The low points are called depression. This one is exactly as the name puts. You are at your lowest point when you reach this mark. You become sluggish, unmotivated, and you can feel very sad or frustrated.

Where the problem comes in is when you get people that are in a mixed state. The mixed state is when you are in between your highs and lows without warning. One second you can be oh so very happy and then moments later feel like throwing yourself off a building to get rid of the sadness in your soul.

Both women and men can suffer from this disorder but most of the time it is seen first in men and women 18 years and older. Though most of the time it is only treated in women since the men just never go for treatment.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder falls into two categories. Bipolar 1 Disorder and Bipolar 2 Disorder. One seems to be worse than the other though both have some slightly distinct differences.

People with Bipolar 1 suffer from the extreme highs and lows and mixed state. They are the ones that flop back forth in that mixed state of in between mania and depress. They can also get to the point where they begin to hallucinate, see things that are not there.

People with Bipolar 2 suffer from extreme depression but milder forms of the high point, mania. These mild high points are also known as hypomania


Signs and Symptoms
What causes Bipolar Disorder?